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Facebook accounts face another mass cloning scam

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Several Facebook users have reported their accounts were cloned after they received a duplicate friend request message asking them to forward the message to friends.

The hoax message went viral on Sunday, saying the sender had received a duplicate friend request from the recipient.

“Hi, I actually got another friend request from you yesterday…which I ignored so you may want to check your account.

“Hold your finger on the message until the forward button appears…then hit forward and all the people you want to forward too. I had to do the people individually. Good Luck!” read the message.

Also read: How to stop Facebook from collecting data via data brokers

According to a Time report, Facebook users were being duped into thinking that their accounts have been cloned.

Facebook was yet to comment on this.

In 2016, a similar mass cloning scam occurred on Facebook.

“There appears to be no reason at this time to forward a message telling friends that their account may have been cloned without having actually received a duplicate friend request,” said the report.

Some users who forwarded the message took to social media, saying their accounts have been hacked.

“Please stop sending me copy and paste emails about Facebook accounts being cloned. Apparently, this is a hoax, and I am getting SPAMMED with them. It’s crazy. My friends are too,” tweeted one user.

The best way is to delete such messages and move on, said the report.

Recently, a total of 90 million Facebook accounts were left vulnerable due to a serious security issue with its ‘View as’ feature in user accounts. The investigation is still ongoing; meanwhile, the company has released guidelines for the developers using the Facebook login to keep user data secure.

In the News: Facebook prepares to fight ‘fake news’ as India gears up for 2019 elections

(With inputs from’s Editorial)


