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How to clear Microsoft Teams cache?

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The cache is a reserved storage location that holds temporary memory. It allows easier and faster access to some information, websites, and applications than accessing it from the system’s hard drive.

Microsoft Teams is a popular meeting and video chatting application developed by Microsoft in 2017. In this article, we will see how to clear the Microsoft Teams cache.

Also read: How to see everyone on Microsoft Teams?

Clearing Microsoft Teams cache

Different types of Cache may slow down the Microsoft Teams application.

  • Blob_storage: This stores all the cache related to the unstructured data like audio, video and image files. It is generally stored in its native form and can include many types of formats.
  • Cache: It is a temporary storage location that provides easier access to websites and other information.
  • Code cache: The Java Virtual Machine or JVM stores its bytecode in the native form here.
  • Databases: This stores the cache linked with the structured information, that is generally stored electronically in the device.
  • GPUCache: This is directly linked to the system graphics card for processing.
  • IndexedDb: It stores the cache related to the data inside the user’s browser.
  • Local Storage: This stores the digital data physically on the device.
  • Tmp: It stands for temporary files.

Within Microsoft Teams, there does not exist a direct method to clear the cache. While users have requested a direct feature within the Teams application to clear cache using the graphic user interface (GUI), it is still being worked upon and is not present yet. Although, there is an indirect method to clear the Microsoft Teams cache.

Step 1: Quit Microsoft Teams. Right-click on the application icon in the taskbar and select Quit.

How to clear Microsoft Teams cache? | Candid.Technology

Step 2: Go to the File Explorer on your device.

How to clear Microsoft Teams cache? | Candid.Technology

Step 3: In the File Explorer, paste this location in the bar and click on enter.

Location for Windows 10: %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams
Location for Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams
How to clear Microsoft Teams cache? | Candid.Technology

Alternative method: To access the given location folder, click on the Windows key + R on your keyboard and enter the file location.

How to clear Microsoft Teams cache? | Candid.Technology

Step 4: Select all the contents in the folders – blob_storage, Cache, Code Cache, databases, GPUCache, IndexedDB, Local Storage, and tmp – and delete them.

How to clear Microsoft Teams cache? | Candid.Technology

Step 5: Restart or relaunch Microsoft Teams.

Better results can be obtained by restarting the entire system before restarting the Teams application again.

By deleting the contents of the folder, the Microsoft Teams cache will be deleted and not the application itself. Although, you might be required to log back into the application. By deletion of the cache, any personalised and saved settings will be erased. By deleting the Microsoft Teams cache, you will remove the web client cache, thumbnails, icons, local message history, display images and any other add-ons made to the Teams application.

Clearing cache helps boost the application’s speed when it starts to lag and assists with other login issues.

Also read: How to update Microsoft Teams?

Ishita Maheshwari

Ishita Maheshwari

A creative nerd, TT player, an avid reader, and an engineering student.
