How to shut down Windows 11?by Kumar HemantPublished on 5:00 pm IST | December 12, 2023Updated on 5:56 am IST | December 12, 2023
Does Windows 11 need Antivirus?by Akash SinghPublished on 9:00 pm IST | December 11, 2023Updated on 2:46 pm IST | February 7, 2024
Can you get Garageband on Windows?by Akash SinghPublished on 11:00 pm IST | December 4, 2023Updated on 10:02 pm IST | December 4, 2023
Why are the USB ports not working on Windows 11? Quick Fixby Kumar HemantPublished on 7:00 pm IST | December 2, 2023Updated on 6:11 pm IST | December 2, 2023
Why is the keyboard not working on Windows 11? by Kumar HemantPublished on 7:00 pm IST | December 1, 2023Updated on 3:23 pm IST | December 1, 2023
Why is Windows Explorer Search not working? Quick Fixby Kumar HemantPublished on 7:00 pm IST | November 30, 2023Updated on 5:47 pm IST | November 30, 2023
Why is the microphone not working in Windows 11? Quick Fixby Kumar HemantPublished on 12:00 pm IST | November 30, 2023Updated on 12:33 am IST | November 30, 2023
Fix: Can’t change the time zone in Windows 10by Akash SinghPublished on 2:30 pm IST | November 29, 2023Updated on 10:02 pm IST | November 28, 2023
Fix: Can’t connect to this network in Windows 11by Kumar HemantPublished on 12:00 pm IST | November 29, 2023Updated on 9:50 pm IST | November 28, 2023
Why is my computer running Windows 11 so slow?by Akash SinghPublished on 2:00 pm IST | November 27, 2023Updated on 1:20 am IST | December 28, 2023
How to change the time zone on Windows 11?by Vanashree ChowdhuryPublished on 9:00 pm IST | November 25, 2023Updated on 6:52 pm IST | November 25, 2023
How to defragment the drive in Windows 11?by Kumar HemantPublished on 11:00 pm IST | November 17, 2023Updated on 2:29 pm IST | November 17, 2023