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Telegram read receipts: Everything you need to know 

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Telegram is one of the most popular social messaging apps. Telegram offers a wide range of options for user convenience, such as adding up to 200,000 members to the group or adding unlimited members on the Telegram channel.

Other features include cross-platform feasibility, an easy account signup process, and multiple bots availabilities. With options like these, Telegram easily scores more than its competitors.

Read receipts on Telegram

Read receipts help you know whether the other person has seen your message.

Telegram offers two check marks – a single check mark and a double checkmark; now let us understand what each check mark means in Telegram.

Single check mark on Telegram

A single check mark means your message has been sent to the Telegram server. While the message is being sent to the server, you might see a clock icon which indicates that the message is still on the way. When the clock turns into a single check mark, it indicates that the message has reached the server.

This is true for both private as well as for group messages.

Double check mark on Telegram

A double-check mark in Telegram means the message has reached the person’s inbox. and that person has seen the chat.

If you are sending messages in a Telegram group and you see a double-check mark, the message has been delivered to the group, and at least one person has seen the message. There is no way to find out exactly who read your message in the group.

Also read: How to know if someone blocked you on Telegram?

Can you turn off the read receipts in Telegram?

Unlike other platforms like Whatsapp, where you can turn off the read receipts, Telegram offers no such service. This means that at the end of the day, you know if the other person has read your message in a private chat, and you cannot know who exactly saw your message if you are using Telegram groups.

Also read: Telegram ‘last seen recently’: Everything you need to know

Kumar Hemant

Kumar Hemant

Deputy Editor at Candid.Technology. Hemant writes at the intersection of tech and culture and has a keen interest in science, social issues and international relations. You can contact him here:
