Steam is the ultimate platform for not only purchasing and downloading games and apps but also engaging with the community to discuss and even create games, in some cases, Steam’s mobile apps help users browse and participate in the Steam community, chat with friends, read the latest news about the games and keep up to date about the Steam sales.
You can uninstall the game from your PC by going to Settings > Apps and in the list find the game you want to uninstall and click on the uninstall button and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Then why should you uninstall a game via Steam? Well, simply because it’s less hectic and faster.
You can uninstall the game from the Steam application directly and avoid the extra effort that you through when using the uninstaller wizard. The process for uninstalling a game through Steam is much simpler, faster and easier, and it also makes the process for reinstalling the game that you have purchased easier. You just have to double-click on the game icon on your PC and the menu for reinstalling will appear and you can start the process.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of uninstalling games from Steam on your PC in a few simple steps.
Also read: How to delete a Steam account?
Uninstalling a game directly from Steam
Launch Steam on your PC and follow the steps below to uninstall a game from Steam.
Step 1: Click on the Library tab, from the options at the top of the screen. In your Library find the game in the list of games on the left side of the screen and right-click on the game. Then in the drop-down menu, click on the Manage option, and then on the Uninstall option.

Step 2: A confirmation box will appear, click on the Uninstall button at the bottom left of the box.

Your Steam game will be instantly uninstalled without you having to go through the step-by-step uninstallation.
Also read: How to create a group on Steam?