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Fix: Xfinity modem comes on for a minute then goes off

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Many users are facing an issue with the internet connectivity from Xfinity, the connection goes offline for about a minute and then comes back online and the users are facing this issue at least two-three times a day.

In this article, we have discussed the causes of the modem is comes on and off issue and a few ways to help you fix the issue.

What are the causes of the Xfinity modem comes on and off issue?

Here are a few possible reasons that might be causing the Xfinity modem coming on and off issue:

  • Some problems with the gateway, modem or router.
  • Faulty connectors.
  • Using splitters.

Also read: Xfinity RDK-03117 error: 5 fixes

How to fix this issue?

Here are a few fixes that might help you resolve the issue with your Xfinity modem:

Restart the Xfinity Gateway

There are many ways to restart the Xfinity gateway and we have mentioned and explained them below:

Restart Xfinity Gateway online

To restart the Xfinity gateway online follow the steps below:

  • Open the Xfinity site and log in by using your Xfinity ID and password.
  • On the homepage, tap on Manage Internet located under Internet.
  • Tap on Restart Modem.
  • Then select Start troubleshooting to start the process.

During troubleshooting you won’t be able to use the the internet and it may take take upto seven minutes to complete the troubleshooting process.

Restart Xfinity xFi Gateway

If you have an xFi gateway then you can download the Xfinity app from the app store on your phone and then follow the steps below:

  • Sign in with your Xfinity ID and password.
  • Scroll down and find Connection Trouble.
  • Tap on Restart Gateway to restart your xFi gateway.
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Restart Gateway through Xfinity My Account App

If you are not using Xfinity xFi then you can use Xfinity My Account App to restart your Xfinity gateway, to restart the gateway through Xfinity My Account app follow the steps below:

  • Download the Xfinity My Account app from the app store on your phone and then open it.
  • Scroll down and find the Internet tab and then tap on it.
  • Now, select your modem and after that tap on Restart this device option.

Restarting through Xfinity My Account app generally takes upto seven minutes to complete the restart.

Hard Reset the Gateway, Router or Modem

To hard reset the gateway. router and modem follow the steps below:

  • Unplug the power cables connected to your router.
  • Wait for around one minute.
  • Then plug back in the power cable.

Use coax cable connectors instead of Splitters

If you are using Splitters then you might wanna switch to coax cable connectors. Many users that are using splitters also face this issue with connectivity and changing from splitters to coax cable connectors has solved this issue for them. So, you can replace the splitter with a coax cable connector.

Contact Support

If the above methods don’t work for you then it is possible that there is a loose connection outside your house or some other issues with the connection in the neighbourhood and that is why you are losing connection so contact support and get a tech visit.

Contact Xfinity Support

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Akash Singh

Akash Singh

Akash is a law graduate who likes to go for bike rides on the weekends soul-searching for answers to his many existential questions. You can contact him here:
