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How to install Anydesk in Ubuntu?

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  • 3 min read

AnyDesk is a remote access software that lets a user access a remote machine securely from anywhere in the world. It is free to use and available on just about any platform, including the Chrome OS, Raspberry Pi and Android/iOS.

In this article, we’re taking a look at how you can install Anydesk on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04.

There are two ways you can do this.

Also read: How to open the RDP Port to allow Remote Desktop Access?

How to install Anydesk in Ubuntu using the terminal?

Aforementioned, we’re going to have to add the Anydeks repository to the APT packages list and using the apt command to download the software.

Step 1: Start by checking everything is up to date. Run the following commands back to back. 

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y upgrade
How to install Anydesk in Ubuntu? | Candid.Technology

Step 2: Now, we need to import the Anydesk GPG key for signing APT packages. 

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
How to install Anydesk in Ubuntu? | Candid.Technology

Step 3: Next up, we’re going to add the Anydesk repository to our Ubuntu installation. 

echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list
How to install Anydesk in Ubuntu? | Candid.Technology

Step 4: Finally, we’ll update the cache install Anydesk using apt.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install anydesk
How to install Anydesk in Ubuntu? | Candid.Technology

Note that you only need to do the first three steps once for any Ubuntu installation. Once you’re done with that, you can install/update Anydesk using apt as and when you like.

Also read: How to access your PC remotely from your phone?

How to install Anydesk on Ubuntu using the .DEB package?

If you don’t want to fiddle around with the terminal, Anydesk provides a downloadable .DEB package that’ll install the software on your PC in a few clicks. 

Step 1: Head over to the Anydesk Linux download page. Click on the Download Now button followed by Debian / Ubuntu / Mint (64 bit). If you’re using a 32 bit OS, use the corresponding downloader.

Step 2: Once the download is complete, navigate to the directory to download the package and double-click it to run the installer. 

Step 3: Click the Install button in the Software Manager to install Anydesk. 

Also read: How to enable Remote Desktop in Windows 10?

Yadullah Abidi

Yadullah Abidi

Yadullah is a Computer Science graduate who writes/edits/shoots/codes all things cybersecurity, gaming, and tech hardware. When he's not, he streams himself racing virtual cars. He's been writing and reporting on tech and cybersecurity with websites like Candid.Technology and MakeUseOf since 2018. You can contact him here:
