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Does Lowe’s take Apple Pay?

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Lowe’s is an American home improvement retail company and the second-largest hardware chain in the US after Home Depot. They offer additional installation and repair services as well. However, with a rise in digital payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, many stores and restaurant chains have updated their payment information to keep up with the changing times.

In this article, we will be delving a little into whether Lowe’s takes Apple Pay and their other acceptable forms of payments.

Also read: Does Walgreens take Apple Pay?

Apple or hammer for Lowe’s?

With digital payment apps fitting into our daily routine, it might isolate a store or a restaurant chain if they don’t introduce newer forms of payment. However, Lowe’s begs to differ.

No, Lowe’s does not take Apple Pay.

Lowe’s does not take Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google Pay. Neither do they have their own form of digital payment method like Walmart, with their Walmart Pay. So how is Lowe’s profiting by keeping payment methods limited?

Why doesn’t Lowe’s take Apple Pay?

For a few simple reasons, Lowe’s has refused to entertain any digital wallets to pay for their retail products. A few reasons why Lowes has decided to keep Apple Pay at bay are as follows:

  • By not accepting any digital payment from e-wallets, Lowe’s is exempted from paying any additional transaction fees to Apple. This helps Lowe’s to maintain their profit and keep expenses low.
  • They do not want to invest in NFC (Near Field Communication) technology as of yet, as setting up NFC terminals will be a part of accepting contactless payment from e-wallets.
  • Lowe’s provides a credit card to offer customers rewards and special options. Hence, to maintain a loyal customer base and enhance sales, Lowe’s might not be accepting Apple Pay, lest it steals its thunder.

Other acceptable forms of payment

Lowe’s still accepts a few forms of payment, cashless or otherwise, to help out a variety of people who grace their stores:

  • PayPal (only for online transactions through their app)
  • Debit cards
  • Credit cards like American Express, Mastercard, Visa, and Discover
  • Cash
  • Lowe’s Credit Cards
  • Lowe’s Gift Cards

Also read: Does Family Dollar take Apple Pay?

Sania Usmani

Sania Usmani

Always curious, calm, and a little crazy, you can find me daydreaming or studying. An avid reader, traveler, and graduate of Aviation Science, I love gaining new experiences in life and star gazing. You can contact her here:
