Telegram is a messenger app that keeps your data secure from hackers with no limit on their media size and chats which can help you manage your data and storage. Telegram is available on all devices and operating systems with its open API and source code. However, not all messaging apps can be free of errors or glitches.
In this article, we will be divulging a few fixes to help you resolve the limit exceeded error on Telegram.
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What is the meaning of the error?
This error usually occurs when users are trying to log into their Telegram account on any device. It is fairly common to receive a ‘limit exceeded, please try again’ error during login for some users. This happens when you log in one too many times. It is a server error that might continue even if you input the correct password.
It can occur when you have deleted Telegram on your device multiple times, logged in many times in a short duration, or tried to access your account with an incorrect password a couple of times. Telegram equates this with someone trying to get into your account by hacking in to get your private information. This error can deter any such hackers from accessing your profile.
According to Telegram, there is no other way to counter this except for waiting for some time to pass, 24 hours to be precise, and trying again, only then will you be able to access your account. So we are going to discover a few more ways for you.
How to fix the ‘Limit Exceeded’ error?
Given below are a few effortless fixes that you can try to overcome this error that is currently causing you an inconvenience:
Clear app cache
Clearing the cache of any app can help remove any corrupted or junk files that might be causing this error. You can remove the cache from your Telegram app by heading to your device settings and looking for the Telegram app from the apps present on your device. Now follow the steps given below:
- Open Telegram in your Apps option in Settings
- Tap on Storage & cache
- Tap on Clear cache
Check internet connection
You should check your network connection because if your internet is slow, it could be the reason why you are unable to log into your Telegram account. Try placing your device on airplane mode or head to a place where you can get a clear internet signal. If you are on Wi-Fi then try switching it on and off.
Restart device
Restarting your device can be an efficient way of getting rid of any corrupted files that might be hampering the app. By restarting, you can also ensure that your Telegram is updated to the latest software.
Check Telegram server
You can check online on a third-party website like Down Detector to check if Telegram’s servers are online and working. If there is a problem at their end, then you should wait for a while before logging into your account, preferably at one go this time.
Another device
You can try using a different device to log into your Telegram account however, remember that this method may not work unless the error is specific to the IP address of your device. You can also wait for an hour to see if there are any changes in your login activity.
Contact Telegram
If you are unable to fix this issue using the above methods or if you are still facing this problem after 24 hours then you can contact Telegram through their support page and tell them about your issue thus requesting assistance.
Also read: How to join a private channel on Telegram?