Cybercriminals are targeting Telegram users with a sophisticated scam that disguises phishing attempts as gift subscriptions to Telegram Premium, tricking victims into handing over their account credentials. This emerging threat exploits the popularity of Telegram’s subscription service by sending fake gift messages from what appear to be trusted contacts.
With one click on a seemingly legitimate link, users are redirected to steal their login details, leaving their accounts vulnerable to takeover.
The scam begins with what appears to be a legitimate message from someone in the recipient’s contact list, claiming they have been gifted a Telegram Premium subscription. The message includes a link that, on the surface, looks authentic, often resembling Telegram’s official URLs, such as ‘’
However, this is a clever facade. The link redirects to a phishing site that mimics Telegram’s login page. ‘
Once on this fraudulent page, users are prompted to input their login details, including their username, password, and two-factor authentication codes. The scammers immediately capture these credentials.
To further deceive victims, the phishing site displays a congratulatory message and a countdown timer, claiming that the subscription activation is pending for 24 hours. This delay gives cybercriminals a head start to exploit the stolen account while the victim remains unaware.
This method is just one of several scams around Telegram Premium since its launch. Cybercriminals also use fake raffles to lure victims with promises of free subscriptions. These ‘contests’ are rigged so everyone appears to win, but victims are directed to phishing sites where their accounts are compromised instead of receiving a prize.
Another variant involves distributing altered versions of Telegram apps, falsely advertised as including free Premium features. These modified apps often contain malware, putting users’ devices at risk.
The global nature of this scam is evident, with fraudsters tailoring their schemes in multiple languages to target users worldwide. Researchers caution that while it may not yet be widespread in certain regions, experts warn it is only a matter of time before these scams become universal.
Researchers have urged Telegram users to take proactive measures to safeguard against these threats. It is crucial to verify the authenticity of unexpected gifts or offers by contacting the sender through a separate communication channel. Experts also warned that only official channels should be used for purchasing or redeeming subscriptions, and two-factor authentication should be enabled to add an extra layer of protection.
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