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Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

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  • 7 min read

Linux is a highly customisable operating system. Be it memory management or penetrating testing, there is nothing you can’t do using a machine running Linux.

Although there are several Linux distributions, Ubuntu is one of the most popular ones out there. It’s an easy-to-use graphical user interface, and long term support features make it a great alternative.

The open-source nature of Ubuntu makes it resilient to malicious software. In addition to this, the Gnome system software running on top of the Ubuntu operating system makes it a delight to use.

To customise your Ubuntu experience, you can use the Gnome shell extensions. In this article, we will be looking at the 10 best Ubunty extensions that will elevate your experience.

To use Gnome extensions on your system, you need to install the Gnome extension for your web browser and thereafter fire the command sudo apt install chrome-gnome-shell in your terminal.

Also read: How to install XAMPP on Ubuntu?

Clipboard Indicator

If you find yourself copying multiple snippets of texts, you know how hard it is to keep track of things you copy. To make life easier, you can use the Clipboard indicator, which caches all the text you copy and makes it easily available.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

You can click on the extension icon in the notification bar and select the text you want to paste. This extension comes with a private mode as well where it doesn’t cache the text you copy.

To install clipboard indicator click here


If you want to stay informed about your area’s weather conditions, you should use the open weather extension. The app uses open weather map and dark sky to source its data, and you can get the weather information for any place using this extension.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

It shows all the information you might need about the weather in your area from wind direction to pressure values. It also shows up in the notification bar for easy access.

To install open weather click here

Also read: How to run Linux on top of Windows using VirtualBox?

Force Quit

Although Linux is a relatively reliable operating system, sometimes apps can get unresponsive, and you can use the Force Quit extension to close applications.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

Force Quit invokes the xkill utility to close programs using the X server. It changes the cursor to an X, and you have to click on an unresponsive app to close it. The extension can be easily disabled using the right-click button.

To install force quit click here

Coverflow Alt-Tab

Using the alt-tab key can help you switch between windows with ease, but if you are tired of the user interface when switching between windows, you can use the Coverflow Alt-Tab extension.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

This extension changes the way the user interface looks when switching between apps giving a coverflow experience. It does not change the keybindings for other shortcuts so you can continue to switch between tabs in apps using ctrl-tab.

To install the coverflow alt-tab click here

Also read: How to Zip and Unzip a file in Linux?

Todo list

If you find yourself getting overwhelmed with multiple tasks, you know how important a to-do list can be. If you are looking for an extension that summons a to-do list at the click of a button, you can use the Todo list extension.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

This extension adds a shortcut to the notification bar, where you can add, delete and modify todo lists.

To install Todo list manager click here

Net speed Simplified

We live in a connected world, and staying on top of your network stats is essential for everyone. So if you are looking for an extension that shows all the details about your internet connection, you should download the Net speed simplified extension.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

It is extremely customisable and shows all the network statistics like upload and download speeds, including bytes downloaded concisely.

To install netspeed simplified click here

Also read: 25 essential Linux Terminal commands

CPU Power Manager

Your CPU performs billions of operations in a second, and its clock frequency is the determining factor in the numbers it can crunch in a second. If you want to manipulate the clock frequency on your system, you should use the CPU power management extension.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

It enables users to adjust the base and maximum clock frequency of their system. The extension also comes with pre-defined modes like high performance and power saver, which manipulate the CPU frequency.

To install CPU power management click here


Ubuntu is highly customisable, and people download several extensions seeking a better experience. That said managing all the extensions on your system can be a daunting task.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

So, if you want to manage the extension on your system without any hassle, you should download the extensions application. This plug-in lists all the extensions on your device, and you can manage them at the click of a button.

To install the extensions click here

Also read: How to change MAC address on Windows and Linux?

Apt Update indicator

Ubuntu uses the advanced packaging tool (APT) to manage your system’s packages. This package manager builds on the Debian distribution package manager and takes care of installing, uninstalling or updating the system’s apps.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

Although using APT with the terminal is really easy, it does not show information about your system’s obsolete packages. So, if you are looking to stay informed about the out of date apps on your system, you can install the Apt package manager.

This app shows in detail the new packages installed on your system, obsolete packages on the system and provides an easy way to update the apps as well.

To install the apt package manager click here 


If you are looking to integrate your phone with your Ubuntu machine, you should use the GS connect extension. Its allows users to reply to text messages, answer phone calls, access device clipboard and file systems.

Top 10 Ubuntu extensions for a better user experience

The app also allows users to ring their mobile using the Find my Phone feature and enables link sharing through web browser plugins. It also offers remote keyboard and mouse access and music management tools.

This extension enables command line integration to help users run scripts on their devices and sync clipboard between devices running Android 9 or lower.

You need to install KDE Connect on your Android device to connect it to the GS connect extension on your laptop.

To install GS connect click here 

Also read: How to install Steam on Linux?

Nischay Khanna

Nischay Khanna

A tech enthusiast, driven by curiosity. A bibliophile who loves to travel. An Engineering graduate who loves to code and write about new technologies. Can't sustain without coffee. You can contact Nischay via email:
