Telegram Bots are third-party apps that run on the Telegram platform. Bots are special accounts, and you are not required to have an additional phone number to set them up. Bots can perform a range of functions like delivering weather reports, answering your general questions including flight or hotel booking information, RSS feeds, gaming and even payment delivery.
In this article, we bring you the top 11 Telegram bots of 2019, that you will find useful.
Wolfram Bot
This bot can be your personalised encyclopedia where you can search the queries. You can enter a range of topics — from geography to mathematics, and the bot will deliver the results within seconds.
Want answers? You can check out Wolfram bot here.
As the name somewhat suggests, this bot provides the lyrics of the songs that you have entered. There are four ways by which you can search the lyrics.
- By entering a song name.
- You can search by entering a piece of the song.
- By entering the Artist’s name.
- Combo search: By combining both the song and the artist’s name.
Click here to use the LyricZ bot.
Weather Bot
This bot will suit you while travelling. Just enter your location by name or send your GPS location in the query box, and the bot will tell you about the weather at that place.
You can access the Weather bot here.
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An impressive bot where you can download the music. You can search the song name by typing /song in the message box, or you can search the artist name by typing /artist in the message box.
Additional tools of this bot are.
- /setlang: To change the language settings.
- /settings: For additional settings.
To visit the VKM bot, click here.
YouTube Bot
This bot allows you to search and share the YouTube video. You can connect your YouTube account with the bot, and the bot will update you with your YouTube subscriptions. Along with that, this bot regularly updates you with the latest trending YouTube videos that you can savour in free time.
To access the youTube bot, click here.
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Multi Vote Bot
This is an exciting bot that allows you to conduct polls and know the opinions of other people on topics. You have to enter the question first followed by the list of options. After entering options, enter /done to complete the poll.
Once the question is set, you can publish it on several platforms.
You can use the bot here.
Air Track
Want to travel by air? This bot will undoubtedly prove useful. You have to enter the language, country and the currency in the message bot. Now, enter the city of departure, city of arrival along with departure and arrival dates, and the bot will show you the best flights.
To use Air Track bot, click here.
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Hotel Bot
This bot is similar to the Air Track bot — it shows the hotels. The functionality is the same, and you will have to enter the language and currency. After that, enter the city where you want to stay along with the number of people and the date. The bot will show you the best options available.
Click here to use the Hotel bot.
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Bot Father
The godfather of all bots — this bot helps you to create your bots. You will have to follow the instructions and tools given in the menu, and create your bot.
To use BotFather, click here.
This bot will deliver the website’s analytics data directly to the Telegram. You will have to authorise the bot first and then choose the project with /setview command.
Click here to use the Metrics Bot.
Fake mail
This is an interesting bot which allows you to send emails with a false email address. Type /generate to generate a fake email address or /set to make your custom email. Once the email ID is generated, you can create the emails.
Click here to use the Fake mail bot.
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