Amazon Fire TV Stick is a fantastic accessory to make your non-smart TV, which supports HDMI, into the closest thing to an Android smart TV. Still, it comes with certain limitations such as storage, which means you can only have so many apps and games installed on the Firestick at once.
If your fire tv stick is running out of storage and you need to get rid of a few apps and games that you don’t use as often, or you find an app that you didn’t install, here is a guide to help you delete an app from the Amazon Fire TV stick in five simple steps.
If you want to delete all the apps from your Fire TV stick as well as all of its data, check out our guide to reset Firestick.
Also read: How to update Amazon Fire TV Stick?
Delete an app from Firestick
To delete an app from your Fire TV stick, follow the steps mentioned below.
Step 1: Navigate to Settings on the menu at the top of the screen. Then navigate to the right and select Application option. Step 2: On the next page, scroll to the bottom and select Manage Installed Applications. When you scroll down to this option, you’ll also be able to see the total and available internal storage of your device.
Step 3: Then, from the list of installed apps, select the one you wish to uninstall.Step 4: On the app’s page, scroll down and select Uninstall. You can also select the Clear data and Clear cache option before uninstalling the app from Firestick to ensure that all of the app’s data is deleted.Step 5: On the confirmation prompt, select Uninstall. You’ll then see the Uninstalling application notification on the screen, which will disappear once the app has been deleted from your Fire TV stick.Also read: How to restart Amazon Fire TV Stick?