One of the primary use-cases that the Telegram app has created a niche userbase in is their channels and groups, which offer several unique features, flexibility as well as huge file sharing limits. You can have unlimited channel subscribers and as well as hundreds of thousands of public group members. Sharing large files (in GBs) to the groups and channels is also allowed, which is also a significant reason for the popularity of Telegram channels and groups..
There are many types of groups and channels you will find on Telegram, including from big companies, news channels, blogs, among several other sources as well as genres like tech, cooking. movies, and others — almost anything under the sun that you can find discussions about on the internet otherwise.
If you’re new to Telegram and can’t find your way through, here is how you can find and join a Telegram channel or group that is public. If a Telegram channel or group is set to private by the admin, you’ll need a direct link from them to join.
Also read: How to backup Telegram chats?
Search and join a Telegram channel
Launch your Telegram app and follow the steps to search and join a Telegram channel.
- Tap on the Search icon on the top right corner of the screen.
- Type the channel’s name you want to join or of your interest (cooking, software, movies, etc.) and tap on that channel.
- Channel will open, tap on the Join button on the bottom of the screen.
- A confirmation message will appear that You joined the channel.
Also read: How to share a Telegram channel link?
Search and join a Telegram group
Steps are mostly the same for finding and joining a Telegram group as finding and joining a Telegram channel. Launch Telegram app and follow the steps to find and join a Telegram group.
- Tap on the Search icon on the top right corner of the screen.
- Type the group’s name you want to join or of your interest (cooking, software, movies, etc.) and tap on that channel.
- That group will open, tap on the Join button on the bottom of the screen.
- A confirmation message will appear that You joined the group.
The major difference between searching for a Telegram channel and group is that in your search results, groups display the number of “members” below their names while channels display the number of “subscribers” instead.
Also read:How to create a Telegram channel?