The benefits of having a universal remote are immense. These smart gadgets allow users to control multiple devices with a single remote, simplifying the home entertainment experience. While many brands offer universal remotes, RCA is particularly known for its reliable and adaptable options. To make the most of your RCA universal remote, understanding its extensive code list is essential.
This article discusses what is RCA universal remote, how to set it up and the codes for TV, VCR, Satellite, Cable, DVD and video accessories.
Also read: Philips universal remote codes
What is an RCA universal remote?
Universal remotes are remotes that can be used to control almost any device, such as TVs, DVD players, VCRs, or cable boxes, to customise watching and viewing experiences. A universal remote can also be used if you have misplaced the original remote that comes with your device or if you need a second remote for any reason.
How to set up an RCA universal remote?
You have to program the universal remote to make it work with your devices. Before programming it make sure the remote has fresh batteries. To set up an RCA universal remote follow the steps below:
- Press and hold the Code Search button on your remote until the indicator light turns on.
- Next, press the key for the device you’re programming, like the TV button if you’re setting it up for your television.
- Enter the code manually. You can find the codes in the list below or in the manual that came with your remote.
- Once you’ve entered the correct code, the light will go off.
- Now, give your remote a test run with your device. If it doesn’t work, just repeat the same steps with another code.
RCA universal remote codes for TVs
Brand Name | Codes |
Admiral | 0463, 4030, 4111, 4221, 10093, 10463 |
Advent | 1570, 10761 |
Affinity | 3717, 3577, 3870 |
Aiwa | 1362 |
Akai | 1675, 11675, 10702, 10672 |
AOC | 1589, 3720, 1365, 2014, 2087, 4101, 11365, 11589, 12014, 12087 |
Apex Digital | 2397, 4347, 4350, 10156, 10748, 10767, 12397 |
Ario | 2397 |
Astar | 11738 |
Asus | 3340 |
Atvio | 3638, 3636, 3657 |
Audiovox | 1564, 1769, 0623, 10451, 10802, 10846, 10875, 11937, 11951, 11952 |
Auria | 2087, 2014, 2277 |
Aventura | 0171, 10171 |
Avol | 3118 |
Axion | 11937 |
BGH | 4029, 4070, 0898, 2414, 0876, 4028, 4030 |
Blue Sky | 3997 |
Britania | 2414 |
Broksonic | 0463, 1892, 10463 |
Carver | 10054 |
CCE | 3782, 4091, 0623, 4092 |
Celebrity | 10000 |
Champion | 1362 |
Changhong | 3814 |
Coby | 3478, 3627, 2344, 12306, 12315, 12340, 12343, 12344, 12345, 12347, 12348, 12350 |
Commercial Solutions | 1447, 11447, 10047 |
Contex | 4053 |
Continental | 2357 |
Coradir | 2844 |
Craig | 3423 |
Crosley | 10000, 10054 |
Crown Mustang | 0898 |
Curtis | 2855, 3577, 3895, 2352, 2397, 4035, 4053, 3636, 1326, 3382, 3717, 12352 |
Curtis Mathes | 0623, 10047, 10054, 10451, 10093, 10702, 10145, 11661, 11147, 11347 |
Cytron | 1326 |
Daewoo | 0623, 10451, 11661, 10661, 10672 |
Dell | 11264, 11080, 11863 |
Denon | 10145 |
Digitrex | 4207 |
Dish Network | 11948 |
Disney | 1892, 0171, 11892, 81017 |
Dumont | 0017, 10017 |
Durabrand | 0463, 0171, 1570, 0178, 10463, 10178, 10171, 11034 |
Dynex | 2049, 2184, 11463, 11785, 11810, 12049, 12184 |
Electroband | 10000 |
Electrograph | 11755 |
Electrohome | 0463, 1570, 1670, 10463 |
Electron | 2855 |
Elektra | 0017, 0623 |
Element | 3559, 1687, 2183, 2964, 1886, 11886, 12183, 01815, 70017, 81918, 45112, 72015, 34211, 79517, 24912, 34611 |
Elite | 1457 |
Emerson | 1864, 1394, 0171, 1886, 0463, 1963, 0178, 0623, 3623, 2183, 3559, 11864, 10017, 10451, 10463, 10178, 10171, 11661, 11394, 11944, 11963 |
Emprex | 11422 |
Encross | 0876 |
Envision | 1589, 1365, 2087, 2014, 10813, 11365, 11589, 12014, 12087 |
Epworth | 1362 |
EQD | 2014, 2087, 2277 |
ESA | 0171, 1963, 10171, 11944, 11963 |
Fair Mate | 1326 |
Favi | 3382 |
Fisher | 1362 |
Fluid | 2964, 3559, 12964, 70013 |
Fujitsu | 10809 |
Funai | 1864, 0171, 1394, 1963, 10000, 10171, 11271, 11963 |
Gateway | 11755, 11756 |
GE | 1447, 0178, 11447, 10047, 10451, 10178, 11347 |
GFM | 0171, 1963, 1886, 1864, 10171, 11886, 11963, 12167 |
Gibraltar | 0017, 10017 |
Go Video | 10886 |
GoldStar | 0178, 10178 |
Haier | 1749, 2309, 1748, 3382, 2293, 4398, 1570, 11034, 11748, 11749, 12309 |
Hallmark | 0178, 10178 |
Hannspree | 1348, 11348, 11745 |
Harman/Kardon | 10054 |
Havermy | 10093 |
H-Buster | 3620, 3419 |
Helios | 10865 |
Hello Kitty | 10451 |
Hewlett Packard | 11494, 11502 |
Hisense | 3519, 2183, 4398, 3382, 4029, 10748, 11314, 12098, 12355, 12419 |
Hitachi | 1643, 3639, 3382, 3697, 11643, 11145, 10679, 10145 |
Hiteker | 3118 |
HP | 11494, 11502 |
Hyundai | 4509 |
iLo | 0171, 1394, 11394, 11684, 11990 |
Infinity | 10054 |
Initial | 11990 |
Insignia | 2049, 1564, 1326, 1892, 0171, 0463, 1963, 2184, 12049, 11423, 11564, 10171, 10463, 11204, 11517, 11810, 11892, 11963, 12002, 12049, 12184, 12417 |
Inteq | 0017, 10017 |
IRT | 0623 |
iSymphony | 3382, 3118, 3094 |
JBL | 10054 |
JCB | 10000 |
JC Penney | 0178, 0156 |
JCM | 2256, 12256 |
Jensen | 1326, 10761 |
JVC | 1774, 1601, 2321, 2271, 0463, 1570, 1670, 4070, 1892, 10463, 10053, 10731, 11253, 11601, 11774, 12271 |
KC | 4182 |
KDS | 1523, 1687, 11498 |
KLH | 10767 |
Ken Brown | 4056, 4099, 4221, 4444 |
Kreisen | 0876 |
Legend | 2397, 2309 |
Lexus | 3638, 3657 |
LG | 2731, 2358, 3397, 0178, 0017, 11423, 10017, 10178, 10856, 11447, 12358, 12424, 12731, 11265 |
LG Alps | 2358 |
LodgingStar | 3147 |
LXI | 0156, 0178, 0017, 10047, 10054, 10156, 10178 |
MAG | 1687, 1523, 11498 |
Magnavox | 3623, 1866, 2372, 1454, 2597, 1963, 0171, 1365, 1867, 11867, 11454, 10054, 10802, 11198, 11254, 11365, 11944, 11963, 11990, 11866, 12372, 10171, 10051 |
Marantz | 1454, 11454, 10054 |
Master-G | 3419 |
Matsushita | 10250 |
Maxent | 11755 |
Megatron | 0178, 10178, 10145 |
Memorex | 0463, 1570, 1670, 0178, 1892, 0171, 1687, 10463, 10150, 10178, 11892 |
MGA | 0178, 10178, 10150 |
Microsonic | 1326, 3419, 4235 |
Midland | 0017, 10047, 10017, 10051 |
Mintek | 11990 |
Miray | 3847, 2414, 2429, 3183, 4178, 0898 |
Misakai | 0171 |
Mitsubhishi | 11250, 10093, 10150, 10178, 11797 |
Mitsubishi Electric | 1250, 0178 |
Mitsui | 3658, 3638, 3657 |
Motorola | 10093 |
NAD | 0156, 0178, 10156, 11156, 10178 |
Naoki | 1540, 2357 |
Naxa | 2104, 3382, 3423, 12104, 82318, 11711, 25811, 29419, 41011 |
NEC | 0876, 2293, 11704, 11797 |
NetTV | 11755 |
New Acoustic Dimension | 0156, 0178 |
Nexus | 3519 |
Nexus Electronics | 2183, 12183 |
Nikko | 0178, 0017, 0156, 10178 |
Nimbro | 2104 |
Noblex | 1362, 3697, 1142, 4029, 3803, 4030, 4149, 4205 |
Norcent | 1365, 1589, 10748, 11365, 11589, 11745 |
Nordmende | 3419, 3861, 3134, 3327, 3767, 3835 |
NuVision | 4347 |
Ocosmo | 2337, 3899 |
Olevia | 1610, 11610, 11144, 11240, 11331 |
Optimus | 10250 |
Optoma | 11348 |
Optonica | 10093 |
Orion | 0463, 1892, 3540, 10463, 11463 |
Panasonic | 1480, 1291, 0156, 0178, 10250, 11480, 11457, 11291, 10051, 11271, 11941, 11946 |
Panavox | 4149 |
PARK | 2104, 12104 |
Penney | 0178, 0156, 10047, 10156, 10178, 11347, 10051 |
Petters | 11523 |
Philco | 3426, 3022, 2414, 0171, 1963, 4178, 0623, 1394, 1142, 1362, 0463, 3639, 3697, 10054, 10171, 11271, 11394, 11963 |
Phillips | 1867, 2372, 1454, 2597, 4222, 3623, 2800, 1744, 1866, 0017, 0171, 1963, 1365, 1394, 1589, 11454, 11866, 10054, 10690, 11867, 12372, 12374, 11394, 10171 |
Pioneer | 1457, 11457, 10679, 11260 |
Planar | 1589, 11589, 40413, 75812 |
Polaroid | 1523, 1769, 4035, 1687, 1326, 1524, 11523, 10865, 11276, 11314, 11498, 11766, 12002, 12121 |
Portland | 0623, 10451, 11661 |
Prima | 1749, 10761, 11749, 11785 |
Proscan | 1447, 3577, 3382, 2183, 2256, 3717, 3332, 3636, 3895, 4035, 4053, 4483, 4495, 2746, 3559, 3953, 11447, 10047, 11347, 12147, 12183, 12256 |
Proton | 0178, 10178 |
Proview | 1687, 1523, 11498 |
Pulsar | 0017, 10017 |
QuantumFX | 2337 |
Quasar | 3899, 4207, 4367, 1291, 10250, 11291, 10051 |
RadioShack | 0178, 10178, 10047 |
RCA | 2746, 2932, 2434, 3577, 1447, 2247, 3382, 3717, 3332, 3895, 2187, 4053, 3636, 2183, 2855, 3147, 4394, 0623, 2429, 3419, 4035, 1670, 11547, 11447, 10047, 10093, 10679, 11047, 11147, 11247, 11347, 11781, 11948, 11953, 12002, 12187, 12434, 12746, 10051, 11661, 12247, 12932 |
Realistic | 0178, 10178 |
Recco | 3847, 0898, 3183 |
Runco | 0017, 10017 |
Sampo | 11755 |
Samsung | 2051, 3993, 0178, 10702, 10178, 11060, 12051 |
Sankey | 2964 |
Sansai | 4030 |
Sansui | 3540, 0463, 1892, 1670, 3564, 4053, 0171, 3559, 10171, 10463, 11409, 11892 |
Sanyo | 1142, 1362, 3697, 3861, 1480, 10054, 11142 |
Sceptre | 3899, 2528, 2337, 11360, 11599, 12337, 12506 |
Scotch | 0178, 10178 |
Scott | 0178, 10178, 11711 |
Sears | 0156, 0171, 0178, 10047, 10054, 10156, 10178, 10171 |
Seiki | 3953, 2964, 3559, 3382, 3560, 0178 |
Semp Toshiba | 1743, 3793, 0156 |
Sens | 1749 |
Sense | 11865 |
Serie Dorada | 3814, 4221 |
Sharp | 2360, 3720, 1457, 4398, 10818, 12360, 10093 |
Sheng Chia | 10093 |
Sherwood | 11399 |
Sigmac | 3477, 3423 |
Silo | 3899, 3477, 4182 |
Sony | 0810, 10000, 10810, 11300 |
Soundesign | 0178, 10178 |
Sova | 11952 |
Soyo | 11520, 11826 |
Spectroniq | 1523, 1687, 11498 |
Speler | 4105, 4041 |
Squareview | 0171, 10171 |
STI | 3793 |
SunBriteTV | 2337, 1610, 2528, 11610, 12337 |
Superscan | 1963, 0171, 10093, 10864, 11944 |
Supersonic | 2104, 12104, 25811, 41811, 01117, 88715, 44711, 46911 |
Supreme | 10000 |
Suzuki | 4434 |
SVA | 1963, 10748, 10865, 11963 |
Sylvania | 1864, 1886, 0171, 1963, 1394, 11864, 10054, 11394, 10171, 11271, 11314, 11886, 11944, 11963 |
Symphonic | 0171, 1963, 1394, 11394, 10171, 11944 |
Syntax | 1610, 11610, 11144, 11240, 11331 |
SZK | 4434 |
Taki | 1540 |
Tandy | 10093 |
Tatung | 11756 |
TCL | 2434, 4398, 3183, 2429, 3426, 3847, 2414, 0898, 4178, 12434, 13183, 14398, 80312, 26245, 80313, 36711, 57513, 15919, 68014, 37511, 61513, 44411, 44211, 78913, 84416, 33012, 95017, 57011, 6918, 36711, 61514, 11756 |
Technics | 0017, 10250, 10051 |
Techview | 10847 |
Techwood | 10051 |
Teknika | 10054, 10150 |
Telefunken | 2414, 4025, 4302, 10702 |
TMK | 0178, 10178 |
TNCi | 0017, 10017 |
Tonomac | 4221, 4444 |
Tosaki | 1540, 2357 |
Toshiba | 1524, 1656, 0156, 3134, 1743, 11524, 11656, 10156, 11156, 11256, 12006, 11265, 10845, 11704, 11945, 11356 |
Trutech | 0171, 11723 |
TVS | 0463, 10463 |
UpStar | 4182, 4405 |
Venturer | 11865 |
Victor | 10053 |
Vidikron | 10054 |
Vidtech | 0178, 10178 |
Viewsonic | 2014, 2745, 2087, 1627, 2049, 2277, 1564, 1365, 12049, 10864, 11564, 10885, 11330, 11365, 11578, 11627, 11742, 12014, 12087, 11755, 10857 |
Viore | 2352, 3382, 3118, 2104, 3094, 11684, 12104, 12352, 13118 |
Vizio | 1758, 3758, 2707, 2757, 11758, 12512, 12757, 10864, 11756, 10885 |
Wards | 0178, 0017, 0156, 10156, 11156, 10178, 10047, 10017, 10051, 11347, 10054 |
Waycon | 0156, 10156 |
Westinghouse | 1712, 3559, 3382, 2293, 3094, 3470, 2397, 0463, 11712, 10451, 10885, 10889, 11282, 11300, 11577 |
White Westinghouse | 0623, 0463, 10463, 11661 |
Wyse | 1365, 11365 |
Xoceco | 1749 |
Zenith | 0017, 0178, 0623, 2731, 1365, 2358, 0463, 10000, 11423, 12358, 12731, 10178, 10047,10017, 10463, 11265, 11145, 11661, 11365, 10145 |
RCA universal remote codes for VCR
Brand Name | Codes |
American High | 0035 |
Canon | 0035 |
Carver | 0081 |
Crosley | 0081 |
Curtis Mathes | 0035, 0060, 0162 |
Daewoo | 0045 |
Emerex | 0032 |
Fuji | 0035 |
GE | 0060, 0035, 0202 |
Harman/Kardon | 0081 |
Instant Replay | 0035 |
JC Penney | 0035 |
Kodak | 0035 |
Magnavox | 0035, 0081 |
Marantz | 0081, 0035 |
Matsushita | 0035, 0162 |
MEI | 0035 |
Memorex | 0035, 0162 |
Motorola | 0035 |
NAP | 0035 |
Olympus | 0035 |
Optimus | 0162 |
Panasonic | 0035, 0162 |
Penney | 0035 |
Philco | 0035 |
Philips | 0081, 0035 |
Polk Audio | 0081 |
Proscan | 0060, 0202 |
Quasar | 0035, 0162 |
RCA | 0060, 0202, 0035 |
RCN | 0060 |
Realistic | 0035 |
Samsung | 0045 |
Scott | 0045 |
Sears | 0035 |
Semp Toshiba | 0045 |
Signature | 0035 |
Signature 2000 | 0035 |
Sony | 0032, 0035 |
Sylvania | 0035, 0081 |
Technics | 0035, 0162, 0060, 0202 |
Teknika | 0035 |
Toshiba | 0045 |
Vector | 0045 |
Video Concepts | 0045 |
Wards | 0035, 0045, 0060, 0081 |
XR-1000 | 0035 |
RCA universal remote codes for Satellite
Brand Name | Codes |
Arion | 1279, 4348 |
Arris | 0869 |
AZ America | 3599 |
Bell | 0775 |
Bell ExpressVu | 0775 |
Bell Satellite TV | 0775 |
Century | 0856 |
Claro | 4546, 3790 |
Coship | 4546, 3790 |
DirecTV | 1377, 1442 |
Dish Mexico | 0775 |
Dish Network | 0775 |
Dishpro | 0775 |
Echostar | 0775, 2262, 2527 |
Embratel | 4546 |
Frontier Communications | 0775 |
General Instrument | .0869 |
GOI | 0775 |
Gradiente | 0887, 0856 |
GVT | 3789 |
HTS | 0775 |
Huawei | 4546 |
Hughes Network Systems | 1442, 1377 |
Humax | 1377 |
Intv | 4348 |
Jerrold | 0869 |
JVC | 0775 |
LG | 1377 |
Motorola | 0869, 0856, 3469 |
Movistar | 2527, 2262 |
Nagra | 2262 |
Netgem | 3637 |
Netsat | 0887 |
Next Level | 0869 |
Oi TV | 4460 |
Pace | 0887, 3469, 1377, 2895, 3111, 3790, 4546 |
Philips | 1442, 2619, 0856, 0887, 3469 |
RadioShack | 0869 |
RCA | 1442 |
Sagem | 1692 |
Sagemcom | 3789 |
Samsung | 1442, 1377 |
Shaw Direct | 0869, 0775 |
Sky Brasil | 1377, 0887, 0856, 2619, 3111 |
Sky Mexico | 3469, 2619, 0856, 0887, 1377 |
Star | 0887 |
Star Choice | 0869 |
Supernova | 0887 |
TDS Telecom | 0775 |
Technicolor | 3790, 3469 |
Tele Red | 1279 |
Telefonica | 1692, 2262, 2527 |
Televisa | 0887 |
TELUS | 0775 |
Thomson | 3469, 1377, 2619 |
TiVo | 1377, 1442 |
TVA Digital | 2895, 1692, 2262 |
UNE | 1692 |
Via Embratel | 4546 |
Vivo | 2262, 2895, 1692, 2527 |
Windstream | 0775 |
Zenith | 0856, 3469 |
RCA universal remote codes for Cable
Brand Name | Codes |
Access Communications | 1376, 2187 |
Adams Cable TV | 1376, 4079 |
ADB | 2254, 1481, 1998, 2302, 3028 |
Allegiance Communications | 1376 |
Amino | 1615, 1481, 2482, 1998, 2302, 3028 |
Arion | 3336 |
Armstrong | 1376, 3560 |
Arris | 1376, 1998, 2187, 1982 |
Arvig Communication Systems | 1376, 1982, 1998, 3028 |
AT&T | 0858, 1877, 2187 |
AT&T U-verse | 0858, 1877, 2187 |
Atlantic Broadband | 1877, 3560, 1376, 4079 |
ATMC | 1376, 1982, 3028, 1998 |
Bell | 1998, 1877 |
Bell Aliant | 1998 |
Bell Fibe TV | 1998 |
Blue Ridge Communications | 1877, 3560 |
Bright House | 1877, 1376, 3294 |
Broadstripe | 1376 |
Buckeye Cable System | 1376, 2187, 1877 |
Cable America | 1376, 1877 |
Cable Axion Digitel | 1376 |
Cable One | 1376, 3560, 1877 |
Cablecom Mexico | 1376 |
Cablem·s | 3119, 1376, 1877 |
Cablevision | 1376, 1877, 3336, 4375 |
Cablevision du Nord | 1376 |
Cablevision Victoria | 1376, 4375 |
Cass Cable | 1376 |
CCAP | 1877 |
CenturyLink | 1998 |
Channel Master | 3118 |
Charter | 1376, 1877, 2187, 3560 |
Choice Cable TV | 1376, 1877, 1982 |
Cincinnati Bell | 1877, 1376 |
Cisco | 1877, 3028, 0858, 1982, 1883, 2506, 1376, 4374, 4514, 2826, 3294, 4450 |
Claro | 1376, 1998, 3028 |
Cogeco | 1376, 1982, 3560 |
Comcast | 1982, 1376, 1877, 3560, 2187 |
Comporium | 1877, 3560, 2187 |
Consolidated Communications | 1877, 1376, 1998, 2302, 3048 |
Convenient | 3527 |
Cox | 1877, 1376, 3774, 4315 |
Digeo | 2187 |
Eagle Communications | 1376, 2187 |
EastLink | 1376, 2187 |
Echostar | 3452, 3454 |
Entone | 3048, 2302, 1615 |
Evolution | 2479, 4079, 2746, 4315 |
Fidelity Communications | 1376 |
Frontier Communications | 1376 |
General Communications | 3560, 1376, 1877 |
3666 | |
Grande Communications | 1877, 3560, 1376 |
Great Plains Communications | 1376 |
Hawaiian Telcom | 3028 |
Huawei | 4589, 1982, 4883 |
Humax | 3560 |
Inter Mountain Cable | 1877, 2479, 4079, 2826, 3294 |
Izzi Telecom | 1376 |
Kathrein | 3288 |
LG | 4343 |
Liberty Cablevision | 1376 |
Lumos Networks | 1998, 3028 |
Massillon Cable | 1376, 2187 |
Maxcom | 1998 |
Mediacom | 1376, 3560, 1982, 1877 |
Mediastream | 1376 |
Megacable | 1376, 4374, 4450, 4514, 2506, 4375, 4883 |
Megaseñal | 3527 |
MetroCast Cablevision | 1376, 1982, 1877 |
Mi-Connection | 1877 |
Midcontinent Communications | 1376, 1982, 3560, 2826, 4079 |
Mid-Hudson Cable | 1376 |
Motorola | 1376, 1998, 0858, 1982, 4375 |
Movistar | 3288 |
Moxi | 2187 |
MTS | 1998 |
NET | 1883 |
Netgem | 4634 |
NewWave Communications | 1376, 2187 |
Northland Communications | 1376 |
NU Telecom | 1998, 3028 |
Oi TV | 3454, 3452 |
Optimum | 1877 |
Pace | 1376, 1982, 1877, 3454, 0858, 1883, 3560, 1998 |
Panasonic | 1982 |
Philips | 1376, 3560 |
Pioneer | 1877 |
RCN | 1376, 3560, 1877 |
Reach Broadband | 1376, 1877, 1982 |
Rogers | 1877, 1376, 2826, 3294 |
Sagem | 3288 |
Sagemcom | 3288 |
Samsung | 1877, 3928, 1982 |
SaskTel | 1998, 1737 |
Schurz Communications | 1376, 1877, 1982 |
Scientific Atlanta | 1877, 0858, 3028, 1982, 1376, 2826 |
Service Electric | 1376, 1982, 1877, 2187 |
Shaw | 1376, 1877, 2187, 1982 |
Shentel | 1376, 1877, 1982, 2187 |
Sogetel | 1998, 2482 |
Source Cable | 1376 |
Suddenlink | 1877, 1376, 3560, 1982 |
Supercanal | 1376 |
Tbaytel | 1998 |
TDS | 1376, 1877, 1982 |
Technicolor | 1982, 3288, 3454 |
TeleCable | 1376 |
Telecentro | 1376 |
Telefonica | 3028, 3288 |
Telmex | 1376 |
TELUS | 3028 |
Thomson | 1982 |
Time Warner | 1877, 1376, 2187, 3294 |
TiVo | 3560 |
Totalplay | 4634, 4589, 4591 |
TV Cable | 1376 |
TVS Cable | 1376, 1877, 1982 |
UNE | 2506 |
U-verse | 0858, 1877, 2187 |
Verizon | 1376 |
Vidéotron | 1877, 1376 |
Vivo | 3288 |
VTR | 1376 |
Wave Broadband | 1376, 2479, 3560, 4079, 2187 |
Wavevision | 1376, 1877, 1982 |
WEHCO Video | 1376 |
Westman Communications | 1376, 2187 |
WideOpenWest | 1376, 1877, 2187, 2479, 2826, 3294 |
Windjammer Cable | 1376, 1877 |
WNC | 3118 |
WOW! | 1877, 1376, 2187, 2479, 2826, 3294 |
Xfinity | 1982, 1376, 1877, 3560, 2187 |
Zito Media | 1376, 1877, 1982 |
Z-Trak | 1376 |
RCA universal remote codes for DVD
Brand Name | Codes |
Accurian | 0675 |
California Audio Labs | 0490 |
Curtis Mathes | 2331 |
Denon | 1634, 2258, 0490 |
Disney | 0675 |
Durabrand | 3464 |
Dynex | 2596 |
Emerson | 0675, 2213 |
Funai | 0675 |
GE | 0522 |
General Electric | 0522 |
GFM | 0675 |
Go Video | 1075, 0741 |
GoldStar | 0741 |
Grundig | 0539 |
Hitachi | 0573, 0675 |
HitPlus | 2583 |
Insignia | 2596, 2095, 2428, 0675, 0741 |
Integra | 2147, 1634 |
JVC | 0741 |
Kenwood | 0490 |
Lenoxx | 2213 |
LG | 0741 |
Magnavox | 0675, 0503, 0539 |
Marantz | 0539 |
Memorex | 2213, 2331 |
Microsoft | 2083, 2627, 0522 |
NAD | 0741 |
New Acoustic Dimension | 0741 |
Olevia | 2331 |
Onkyo | 2147, 0503 |
Panasonic | 1641, 3641, 0490, 0503 |
Philco | 0675 |
Philips | 2056, 2434, 0539, 0503, 2084, 0675 |
Pioneer | 2442 |
Polk Audio | 0539 |
Presidian | 0675 |
Proscan | 0522 |
RCA | 0522, 2587, 2213, 2532, 3464 |
Samsung | 0199, 0573, 1075, 2069, 2489, 0490 |
Semp Toshiba | 0503 |
Sharp | 2250, 0675 |
Shinsonic | 0533 |
Sony | 1516, 1633, 0533, 0864, 1070 |
SV2000 | 0675 |
Sylvania | 0675 |
Symphonic | 0675 |
TCL | 2587 |
Technics | 0490 |
Toshiba | 0503, 2277, 3157, 2705 |
TruTech | 0675 |
Urban Concepts | 0503 |
VIZIO | 2563 |
Vtrek | 2583, 2587 |
Xbox | 2083, 2627, 0522 |
Yamaha | 2298, 0539, 0490 |
Zenith | 0741, 0503 |
RCA universal remote codes for Video Accessories
Brand Name | Codes |
Access HD | 2185 |
Alpha Digital | 2185 |
AMTC | 2185 |
Centronics | 2360 |
Channel Master | 2360 |
Digiwave | 2360 |
Dish Network | 2470 |
Echostar | 2470 |
Firebird Systems | 2360 |
GE | 2360 |
General Electric | 2360 |
Goodmind | 2360 |
iNet Access | 2185 |
Insignia | 1415 |
LG | 1415 |
RTC | 2360 |
Tivax | 2185 |
Zenith | 1415 |
Also read: Spectrum remote codes