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Twitter web users can now remove followers without blocking them

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  • 2 min read

Twitter has rolled out a new feature for people using its web platform, which allows them to remove any followers from their account without having to block them.

The new feature was released to a limited number of accounts for testing last month and is now broadly available on the Twitter web. Until now, if you wanted someone to unfollow your account, you had to block them. However, this change will allow people to make someone unfollow their account directly.

Twitter won’t notify anyone you remove from your follower list. However, if the person wants to, they can follow you again. Once a follower is removed, they’ll still be able to see the tweets and can direct message you — contrary to how blocking works.

How to remove a follower from Twitter without blocking them?

Head over to your Twitter profile and follow the steps mentioned below to remove a follower from Twitter.

  • Click on the followers count.
  • Click on the three-dot icon beside the follower you want to remove.
  • Click on the Remove this follower option and confirm your action.

This feature is useful if you don’t want to block someone completely but also don’t want them to engage with your tweets via their news feed.

Twitter has been working on a number of ways to make it easier for people to customise their experience on the platform. Earlier this year, it was found that Twitter was testing a feature that would allow people to “unmention themselves” from tweets that they don’t want to be involved in without notifying the tweet author.

Twitter is also testing upvote and downvote reactions for replies to tweets, which show up as additional options to the usual retweet, like and reply 

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