Zen bootloader error code 3002 is caused by faulty compiling of the script or a non-compatible input device. The E3 error codes do not necessarily mean that your Zen device is damaged or corrupted.
Read on to find out 5 ways by which you can resolve the issue.
Power cycle the device
It is a simple technique and it usually solves such errors. To power cycle Zen bootloader, first, remove all the power from the device by disconnecting it from the power source.
Then, wait for a few minutes before connecting it again. If the error persists, then migrate to other fixes that are mentioned below.
Also read: What is Linux Booting Process?
Upgrade to firmware 2.1.0-beta.47
If your current firmware is not upgraded, then it is advisable to first try upgrading the firmware to the latest version.
Here are the steps to upgrade the firmware on the Zen device:
- First download Zen Studio version 1.2.1-beta.119.
- Connect Zen to your computer using the micro USB cable and then go to Tools > Firmware Update.
- Click Yes to confirm the upgrade.
- You will see a No Devices Found message on the screen. Hold the blue reset button at the back of the device till you see the Zen Bootloader prompt on the screen.
- If everything goes correctly, then you will notice Collective Minds Corus ZEN on the screen along with the serial number and the firmware version.
- Next, click on the detected device to finish the upgrade.
- It will take a few seconds for the upgrade to take place and when it’s finished, Zen”s RGB LEDs will blink red, green and blue. This is an indication that you are now ready to start using Zen Studio. Connect the mini USB cable from the computer to the Zen bootloader to tweak settings, see configuration and GamePacks.
Downgrade to firmware 2.0.3-beta.105
You can download the firmware to a previous version if you feel that the latest firmware update is causing problems.
To downgrade, you will have to follow the same steps mentioned in the section above, but instead of selecting the latest one, look for the 2.0.3-beta.105 firmware and then click on the firmware to install it.
Change the input device

If you are seeing the error even after tweaking the firmware settings, then you should check the input devices. Some input devices like a keyboard or a mouse are not compatible with Zen. So, either check in with the company or change the input device.
Change the faulty Zen device
If you are noticing error 3002 on Zen without connecting any input device or using any scripts or GamePacks, then the device is faulty and you should immediately return or repair it.
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