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How to add Twitch chat to OBS?

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  • 4 min read

Twitch is undoubtedly the most common streaming platform for anyone looking to stream video games. OBS, on the other hand, is perhaps the most common and easy-to-use software if you want to stream.

The two go hand in hand quite well actually. All you need to stream on Twitch using OBS is a stream key and that’s about it, each stream is just a click away.

However, that doesn’t mean that everything else goes that well. You still might have to jump between OBS and the Twitch site on your browser for a bunch of different things, the most common of which is the chat.

It’s important for any streamer to interact with their audience. You have to be snappy on the chat and for that, you need to have it right there in OBS because frankly jumping to the browser every now and then is a big headache. 

Also read: How to stream on Twitch?

How to get Twitch chat in OBS?

There are two ways you would go about doing this.

  • Integrate Twitch chat inside of OBS for you to use
  • Show a chat overlay on your stream

As you can probably guess, one will make life easier for you and the other is more useful to your viewers.

Getting the Twitch chat working inside of OBS is actually fairly simple. All you need to do is log in with Twitch in OBS settings and you’re good to go. 

The other way is simply putting a chat overlay on your stream which builds on what we did in our overlays article but is a tad bit different.

Step 1: Go over to and sign in with your Twitch account.

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 2: When you’re logged in, it’ll show you your main dashboard. Just click on the All Widgets button on the left side

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 3: Select the chat box option from the widgets

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 4: Scroll down on the page that opens and you’ll see a chatbox with random text in it along with a lot of customisation options. Just dial down the looks of your chatbox just the way you like.

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 5: Just above the chatbox customisation will be something called the Widget URL. Copy this.

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 6: Fire up OBS and select the scene you want to add the chat. 

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 7: Go ahead and click the small plus icon in the bottom right of the Sources window. Then click on Browser

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 8: A new window will open asking you to create a new source or select an existing one. We’re just going to create a new source called TW Chat

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 9: Another window will open. We’re going to paste our widget link in the URL field. Leave the other fields for now.  

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 10: You’re now going to see a big empty box on your screen, This is your chat window. Go ahead and resize/relocate it to wherever you want. 

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps

Step 11: As a check, start streaming and type something in the chatbox. You’ll see it show up on the stream. 

How to add Twitch chat to OBS? In 11 simple steps
Got me a nice little streaming setup here. Follow me on Twitch and let us know in the comments below if you’d like some streams as well.

And that’s how you can up your game streaming. 

Also read: How to stream on YouTube? In 9 simple steps

Yadullah Abidi

Yadullah Abidi

Yadullah is a Computer Science graduate who writes/edits/shoots/codes all things cybersecurity, gaming, and tech hardware. When he's not, he streams himself racing virtual cars. He's been writing and reporting on tech and cybersecurity with websites like Candid.Technology and MakeUseOf since 2018. You can contact him here:
