Discord is a fantastic VOIP chat application, and it’s been constantly expanding to add more features and eventually making the program more accessible to a larger audience.
However, as good as Discord is, it lacks a lot of customisation options. There’s no concept of themes or any customisable UI elements. This is where Better Discord comes into play.
Better Discord is a third-party tool for Discord that allows for a massive visual overhaul of the program. You can download and apply themes straight from the Better Discord website, customise them or even create your own. There’s even a plugin library with hundreds of plugins to enhance your Discord experience.
Also read: Top 7 Discord themes
How to install BetterDiscord?
Installing Better Discord is surprisingly easy. Just follow these steps.
Step 1: Head over to the Better Discord website and download the latest version available (v1.2.0 at the time of writing).
Step 2: Run the installer and select Install BetterDiscord.
Step 3: Select the Discord version installed on your PC and then click Install.
Discord will restart following the installation, and that’s all. You can now head over to the Discord settings menu, and you’ll see a Themes option there. You may need to restart your PC before you see BetterDiscord working.
Also read: How to fix ‘Discord notifications not working’ error?
How to download themes and plugins for BetterDiscord?
Downloading themes and plugins for BetterDiscord is just as easy. Just follow these steps.
Step 1: Head over to the BetterDiscord site and open either the Themes or Plugins section.
Step 2: Find a theme or plugin that you like and click the Download button to download the file.
Step 3: Once you’ve downloaded the file, depending upon whether it’s a theme or a plugin, copy and paste it into either of the following directories.
- Themes: C:\Users\[Your username here]\AppData\Roaming\BetterDiscord\themes
- Plugins: C:\Users\[Your username here]\AppData\Roaming\BetterDiscord\plugins
Step 4; Now open Discord, head over to the settings and click on Themes under BetterDiscord. Select the theme or plugin you just downloaded and enable or disable it as you’d like.
You can also use the Open Themes Folder or Open Plugins Folder to jump directly in the theme or plugin folders mentioned in step 3.
Also read: What happens when you block someone on Discord?
BetterDiscord FAQ
Here are few questions that might be in your mind.
Is BetterDiscord illegal?
While BetterDiscord is a great third-party tool, it still is a third-party tool and violates Discord’s terms of service. However, Discord usually doesn’t take any action against usual BetterDiscord users.
Is BetterDiscord safe to use?
Questions about the safety of a third-party tool are always tricky to answer. However, since BetterDiscord is open source, you can track development and see any security flaws for yourself. So, as of now, BetterDiscord is safe to use.
You can check the BetterDiscord Github repository here.
Are there any other sources to download Discord themes/plugins?
While you may find third-party themes or plugins floating around for BetterDiscord on various sites, we strongly discourage you from downloading them. Instead, stick to the official BetterDiscord site for any themes and plugins you might need.
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