Youtube is unrivalled when it comes to the number of user-generated videos that are uploaded to the platform every day, as well as the massive engagement it draws from the billion-plus active users on the platform. If you have a channel on Youtube, you probably already know that the most important aspect of growing your channel is gaining more subscribers so that your videos are able to reach to a wider audience.
If your Youtube channel is doing well and you want to check out the people who’ve subscribed to you (and if a friend hasn’t), Youtube allows you to do so via the Youtube Studio tool. However, there’s a slight problem here if you’re looking to check out the complete list of your subscribers.
Youtube only allows creators to see a list of the 100 most recent subscribers to your channel, who’ve subscribed in the past 28 days. Also, you’ll only be able to see the names of the subscribers who’ve made their subscriptions public via their account privacy settings. Subscriptions are set to private, by default. If a subscriber’s account has been suspended or identified as spam, they won’t appear in the list either.
In this article, we’re going to guide you through the process of checking out your subscribers on Youtube in a few simple steps.
Also read: How to delete a playlist on YouTube?
Checking out Youtube subscribers on your channel
Login to your account on Youtube, switch to the channel for which you want to check out the recent subscriber’s list and follow the steps mentioned below.
Steo 1: Click on your channel’s icon/profile picture at the top-right of the page. Then from the dropdown menu, click on YouTube Studio.
Step 2: On your Youtube Studio’s page, scroll down and find the Recent subscribers card. Click on the See All link at the bottom of the card.
Step 3: A window will appear with a list of your 100 recent subscribers (who’ve made their subscriptions public).
You can check out who all are your recent subscribers, the number of subscribers their channels have and the date on which they subscribed to your channel. You can also subscribe to their channels directly through the Subscribe link beside their names.
Also read: How to block a YouTube channel?