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What is the Xuanzhi folder? Is it a virus?

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If you have ever used LDPlayer, an Android emulator for PC, you may have noticed a mysterious Xuanzhi folder in your documents or appdata folder.

Many people have asked about the authenticity and safety of this folder on various forums.

In this article, we’ll discuss the Xuanzhi folder and whether it is a virus.

What is the Xuanzhi folder?

The Xuanzhi folder is a folder that the LDPlayer Android emulator creates when you install and run it.

Most users may think of this folder as a virus because of the name of the folder. Xuanzhi is the name of the company that developed LDPlayer. The company is based in China.

All the screenshots of the videos and other files you create or download using LDPlayer are stored in this folder. Also, some of the emulator’s settings and data are saved.

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Is the Xuanzhi folder a virus?

No, the Xuanzhi folder is not a virus.

The Xuanzhi folder is legitimate and safe and is an important part of the LDPlayer emulator.

That being said, some antivirus may find the folder suspicious and can flag it. However, be assured that it is a false positive, and you can safely ignore this warning. You can also add the folder to your antivirus whitelist.

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Should you delete the Xuanzhi folder?

No, you shouldn’t delete the Xuanzhi folder, as by deleting it, you will lose your screenshots and other settings of LDPlayer.

As we have explained earlier, this folder contains screenshots and other important settings; deleting this folder can have unwanted consequences.

Thus, it is a legitimate folder that the emulator creates to store various settings.

However, some third-party antivirus may potentially flag this folder as suspicious, but most likely, that is a false alarm. That being said, if you downloaded the LDPlayer from a suspicious website, you may encounter malicious codes in the software.

Therefore, it is best to download the software from the official website.

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Kumar Hemant

Kumar Hemant

Deputy Editor at Candid.Technology. Hemant writes at the intersection of tech and culture and has a keen interest in science, social issues and international relations. You can contact him here:
