Chrome is one of the most polished browser experiences you can have right now. However, just like everything else in the tech world, it has its own bugs and glitches.
The browser is notorious for eating up system memory, which is often held against it compared to other browsers. This also leads to an error where the browser just straight-up runs out of memory and crashes.
In this article, we’re going over six ways to fix the Chrome ran out of memory issue.
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Restart your PC
Restarting your computer can fix more issues than you can count. Should you ever encounter an issue like this, restarting your PC should be the first item on your troubleshooting list.
Be sure to close all Chrome related processes from the Task Manager first, then restart your PC and try running the browser again.
Also read: How to fix ‘Err_Tunnel_Connection_Failed’ error in Chrome?
Kill Chrome using Task manager
Sometimes, simply killing Chrome from the Task Manager and restarting it gets the job done. Here’s how.
Step 1: Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager.

Step 2: Under the Processes tab, find all Chrome related processes and close them.

Now try opening the browser again and it should work just fine.
Also read: How to fix ‘DNS Probe Finished NXdomain’ in Chrome?
Update Google Chrome
If the issue is in Chrome itself, chances are developers might release an update to fix the problem. Regardless, you should always make sure you’ve got the latest version of the browser installed to avoid running into problems that could otherwise be avoided.
Head over to chrome://settings/help and make sure you’re on the latest update. If you’re not, update immediately and try again.

Also, make sure to get the 64-bit version of the browser if the error repeats itself again.
Also read: How to fix ‘DNS Probe Finished NXdomain’ in Chrome?
Clear Chrome’s data
Corrupt files in your cache or otherwise can cause this error as well. Clear them out to see if you can get Chrome to work.
Step 1: Type in chrome://settings/clearBrowserData in your browser’s address bar and hit Enter.

Step 2: Select the cache and cookies options and make sure the Time range is set to All time. Click on the Clear now button to clear out all the data.

Also read: How to fix the ‘SonyLiv not working on Chrome’ issue?
Disable your extensions
Chrome’s extensions can continue running even after the browser is closed, causing precious memory to be blocked by an application you might not be necessarily using.

Simply head over to chrome://extensions and try disabling all your extensions to check if the browser starts functioning as normal again, If it does, enable them one by one until you have all the essential extensions working again.
Also read: How to install Chrome in Ubuntu?
Create a new user profile
In case this issue is being caused by profile data stored by the browser itself, creating a new profile and changing the name of the default one can get you around the issue.
Step 1: Press Windows key + R to open the Run prompt. Type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ and hit enter.

Step 2: Find the Default folder and change its name. We’re just going to call it Default_old for now.

Now restart your PC and try running Chrome again.
Also read: How to fix the Err_Connection_Aborted error in Chrome?