Chrome is a rather reliable and easy-to-use browser for most people. For developers, it’s just as good with a bunch of development tools packed into the browser.
In this article, we’re going over all the internal Chrome URLs you might ever need.
What are these hidden Chrome’s URLs?
These Chrome URLs are essentially pages that show the browser’s internal functioning in quite detail for any developers or users who might need that information. You can access this page by opening Chrome and heading over to chrome://about/
Note that the Chrome URLs mentioned above work in Chromium-based browsers, such as Microsoft’s Edge.
Also read: How to remove Google account from Chrome?
Active Chrome URLs that you can use
Here’s a list of all the internal URLs on Chrome and what information they give.
- chrome://about: Displays the list of internal URLs.
- chrome://accessibility: Shows accessibility information for all open tabs and whether or not the feature is enabled globally.
- chrome://app-service-internals: Shows the process information of all running Chrome apps.
- chrome://appcache-internals: Includes details about appcached sites and the space they use.
- chrome://apps: Shows a list of all installed apps in Chrome.
- chrome://autofill-internals: Shows captured autofill logs and several autofill settings.
- chrome://blob-internals: Shows information about Binary Large Objects otherwise known as blobs.
- chrome://bluetooth-internals: Shows information about any Bluetooth adaptors you might’ve connected to your system.
- chrome://bookmarks: Shows your bookmarks.
- chrome://chrome-urls: Displays the page containing all Chrome internal links.
- chrome://components: Shows a list of internal Chrome components and an option to check each for updates.
- chrome://conflicts: Lists all loaded modules and shows any conflicts if present.
- chrome://connectors-internals: Lists any available enterprise connectors.
- chrome://conversion-internals: Lists reporting API internals.
- chrome://crashes: Shows information on recent crashes and whether or not crash reporting is enabled.
- chrome://credits: Includes any technologies used in the browser and their licenses.
- chrome://device-log: Displays a log of any device-related events.
- chrome://devices: Shows virtual or physical devices connected to Chrome.
- chrome://dino: Loads the Dino runner game.
- chrome://discards: Shows information on any discarded tabs during the session. Allows users to discard any open tabs as well.
- chrome://download-internals: Starts any downloads and monitors the process.
- chrome://downloads: Shows all downloads.
- chrome://extensions: Shows all installed extensions.
- chrome://flasgs: Shows experimental features.
- chrome://floc-internals: Shows FLoC status.
- chrome://gcm-internals: Shows Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) status.
- chrome://gpu: Shows information about the GPU and supported features such as hardware acceleration.
- chrome://help: Opens the about page.
- chrome://histograms: Shows Histogram related information.
- chrome://history: Opens the browsing history page.
- chrome://indexeddb-internals: Shows the indexed database information about the current profile.
- chrome://inspect: Shows backend information on webpages and extensions.
- chrome://intersitials: Shows a list of Chrome error pages.
- chrome://invalidations: Lists debug information for recent invalidations.
- chrome://local-state: Shows features and whether or not they’re enabled in the local instance of the browser.
- chrome://management: Shows up if your browser is managed by a corporation or enterprise.
- chrome://media-engagement: Shows a media engagement score for the websites you’ve visted. The score is used to determine autoplay with sound.
- chrome://media-internals: Shows media information if something is playing.
- chrome://nacl: Shows information on Chrome Native Client plugin.
- chrome://net-export: Captures network activity and can export it to your hard drive.
- chrome://net-internals: Shows currently ongoing network activity.
- chrome://network-error: Shows the network error message.
- chrome://network-errors: Shows a list of network error pages.
- chrome://new-tab-page: Shows the default new tab page.
- chrome://new-tab-page-third-party: Shows any third party new tab pages.
- chrome://newtab: Shows the new tab page.
- chrome://ntp-tiles-internals: Shows your most popular sites with URL and favicons.
- chrome://omnibox: Shows the input results for the address bar including search, shortcuts and history.
- chrome://password-manager-internals: Shows password manager logs.
- chrome://policy: Shows all active policies in the browser.
- chrome://prefs-internals: Shows JSON information about open pages.
- chrome://print: Shows the print preview page.
- chrome://process-internals: Shows process information and site trees.
- chrome://quota-internals: Shows information about the free disk space available t teh Chrome profile directory along with usage and quota details.
- chrome://safe-browsing: Shows safe browsing status.
- chrome://sandbox: Shows the Chrome sandbox status.
- chrome://serviceworker-internals: Shows all service workers registered with the browser.
- chrome://settings: Opens the settings page.
- chrome://signin-internals: Shows information about the signed in accounts.
- chrome://site-engagement: Shows an engagement score for all sites visited.
- chrome://sync-internals: Shows information about the syncronisation featured if enabled.
- chrome://system: List JSON information about the system.
- chrome://terms: Shows the terms and conditons page.
- chrome://tracing: Starts tracing your activity on the browser.
- chrome://translate-internals: Shows Google Translate status including supported languages.
- chrome://ukm: Opens the UKM debug page.
- chrome://usb-internals: Shows the USB devices connected to your computer and lets you test them.
- chrome://user-actions: Shows information on logged in user actions.
- chrome://version: Shows the browser version as well as the version information on any other frameworks the browser may be using.
- chrome://web-app-internals: Shows JSON information about installed web apps.
- chrome://webrtc-internals: Shows WebRTC status and controls.
- chrome://webrtc-logs: Shows a WebRTC log.
- chrome://whats-new: Shows the “What’s new” page.
- chrome://internal/session-service: Shows the status of currently running internal URL sessions.
Also read: Chrome Autofill not working: 6 Fixes
Active debug Chrome URLs
The URLs listed below are for debugging purposes as all of them either hang, crash or shut down the browser.
- chrome://badcastcrash/
- chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/
- chrome://crash/
- chrome://crashdump/
- chrome://kill/
- chrome://hang/
- chrome://shorthang/
- chrome://gpuclean/
- chrome://gpucrash/
- chrome://gpuhang/
- chrome://memory-exhaust/
- chrome://memory-pressure-critical/
- chrome://memory-pressure-moderate/
- chrome://ppapiflashcrash/
- chrome://ppapiflashhang/
- chrome://inducebrowserheapcorruption/
- chrome://heapcorruptioncrash/
- chrome://quit/
- chrome://restart/