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How to hide pictures on iPhone?

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Smartphone cameras have grown steadily over the past few years, becoming one of the most popular selling points of gadgets across iOS and Android ecosystems. Apple’s iPhone boasts one of the best camera capabilities among smartphones, rivalled by only a few flagships such as Google’s Pixel, among others from Samsung and OnePlus.

If you’re a shutterbug, then having a fantastic camera handy at the back of your iPhone means that you probably document almost every cool moment of your being, which results in a massive photo library. Now, if you want to hide some of these photos to avoid anyone else scrolling through them if ever they access your phone or accidentally sharing them on messaging or social network apps, then hiding them from plain view in your phone’s media library is a good option.

While there is a built=in option to hide photos on the iPhone, it might not be the most secure way to do so. Don’t you worry, we’ve also got a workaround for you.

In this article, we explain how to hide pictures on your iPhone, followed by a workaround to help you hide and lock your pictures via the Notes app.

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How to hide photos in iPhone using the Photos app?

Open the Photos app and follow the steps below to hide photos and videos on your iPhone.

How to hide pictures on iPhone? | Candid.Technology
  • Tap on Select option on the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Tap on the pictures and videos you want to hide. 
  • Then tap on the Share icon on the bottom-left corner of your screen.
  • Scroll down and tap on the Hide option.
  • Confirm by tapping on Hide Photos option.

Photos or videos will now be hidden from the gallery but will be placed in a new album called Hidden.

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Unhide photos on iPhone

To access hidden photos or unhide them, follow the steps below.

How to hide pictures on iPhone? | Candid.Technology
  • Tap on the Albums option on the bottom bar of the Photos app.
  • Scroll down and tap on Hidden under Other Albums. You’ll now be able to see all the hidden photos and videos.
  • If you want to unhide them, tap on the Select option on the top-right corner of your screen.
  • Select the pictures or videos you want to unhide by tapping on them.
  • Then tap on the Share icon on the bottom-left of the screen.
  • Scroll down in the list of options that appear at the bottom of the screen and tap on Unhide.

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How to hide photos in iPhone using the Notes app?

When you hide the photos and videos from the main gallery using the method mentioned above, these media files will still be accessible to a person who knows your iPhone’s password. Therefore, it is not the most secure way to hide your pictures on iPhone.

However, there is a workaround, which can be used to hide photos and videos and also password protect them using the Notes app on your iPhone.

Send private photos and videos to Notes

Open the Notes app and follow the steps below to hide photos and videos on your iPhone.

How to hide pictures on iPhone? | Candid.Technology
  • Tap on Select option on the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Tap on the pictures or videos you want to hide. 
  • Then tap on the Share icon on the bottom-left corner of your screen.
  • Scroll through the list of apps and tap on Notes. If you don’t see the app, scroll down and tap on Edit Actions. Then select the Notes app from the list of options that appear.
  • By default, a fresh note will open. If you want to add this private media in a pre-existing note, select that note by tapping on Save To.
  • Then tap on the Save option at the top-right corner of your screen.
How to hide pictures on iPhone? | Candid.Technology

Now proceed with the guide below to lock your media files in the Notes app.

Also read: How to access recently deleted photos on iPhone?

How to lock the note?

Go to your Notes app and follow the steps mentioned below to hide the photos on your iPhone by securing them in a note with a password..

How to hide pictures on iPhone? | Candid.Technology
  • Find the note you just created, which will be first on the list. Or scroll down if you’ve created more notes since.
  • Swipe left on the title of your note and then tap on the lock icon.
  • If you are locking a note for the first time, you will be prompted to create a passcode and enable Face or Touch ID. This will be a common password for all your locked notes in the future too, so make sure you remember the password.
  • Enter a Password, Verify it and enter a Hint. Then tap on the Done option.

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How to unlock Notes on your iPhone?

You can unlock note by following the steps below.

How to hide pictures on iPhone? | Candid.Technology
  • Tap on the note you want to unlock.
  • Tap on View Note.
  • Enter the Password or Face or Touch ID. Tap OK.

You can lock the note again by tapping on Lock Now option at the bottom of the screen (refer to the screenshot below).

How to hide pictures on iPhone? | Candid.Technology

Please note, when you lock or unlock a single note, all the other notes using password protection will be locked or unlocked simultaneously.

If you are using this method to hide your private photos and videos, then do not forget to go back to Photos app to delete the media that you have hidden in Notes from the main gallery and also the recently deleted folder.

Also read: How to save pictures from Twitter?

Monika Shukla

Monika Shukla

When not busy managing sports events, she tries to churn out sensible words on paper. Has an interest in tennis, photography, Hindi & Urdu poetry. You can contact Monika via email:
