Media files like Gifs, photos and videos have become and important part of expressing oneself in the digital world and the increasing ease of access of the internet has made media on social networks all the more popular.
If you find a striking photo on Twitter and want to save it to share it with friends, colleagues or family later, or just for yourself, here is how you can save pictures from Twitter on iOS, Android and PC (via website).
While you can save pictures from Twitter on iOS and PC in a custom directory, photos on Android are saved directly to the Twitter folder in your device’s storage. These saved images are also accessible via the Photos app for Android and iOS.
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How to save pictures from Twitter app for iOS?
You can either save a picture from Twitter to the default app folder in your iPhone or iPad or can choose a custom location in your device for the photo to be saved. We’ve listed guides for both the methods below.
Save picture from Twitter to the default folder
Open the Twitter app on your iPhone or iPad, go to the tweet from which you want to save the picture and follow the steps mentioned below.

- Tap on the photo attached with a tweet that you want to save.
- On the image preview page, tap on the horizontal ellipsis menu icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
- From the options that appear at the bottom of the screen, tap on Save Photo.
The selected photo will be automatically saved to the default Twitter folder on your device.
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Save picture from Twitter to a custom storage location
Open the Twitter app on your iPhone or iPad, go to the tweet from which you want to save the picture and follow the steps mentioned below.

- Tap on the photo attached with a tweet that you want to save.
- On the image preview page, tap on the horizontal ellipsis menu icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
- Scroll down on the list of options that appear at the bottom of the screen and tap on Save to Files.
- On the next page, select a custom folder in either your iPhone or iCloud Drive storage.
- Then tap on the Save button at the top-right corner of the screen.
The picture will be saved in the location you chose in the steps above.
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How to save pictures from Twitter app for Android?
While iOS has the option to choose a custom location for download pictures from Twitter, you can only save a picture from Twitter’s Android app to the default folder assigned to the app in your device storage. Open the Twitter app on your Android device and follow the steps mentioned below to save pictures.

- Tap on the photo attached with a tweet that you want to save.
- On the image preview page, tap on the vertical ellipsis menu icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
- From the options that appear at the top-right of the screen, tap on Save.
You’ll see a notification at the bottom of the screen that reads “Image saved”.
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How to save pictures from Twitter’s website on PC?
There is no dedicated feature to allow users to save pictures from Twitter’s website, but you can still save them using the old-school way of saving images from the web. Login to and follow the steps mentioned below to save pictures.
Step 1: Click on the photo in the tweet, so that it appears in a larger window.

Step 2: Right-click on the photo and click on the Save image as option.

Step 3: Then type the desired file name you want to save the image with and click on the Save button at the bottom-right of the save window.