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How to zoom out on a Chromebook?

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Chromebooks are known for their simplicity and efficiency, but sometimes, people need to zoom in or out for a better view. Zooming out on a Chromebook is a straightforward process.

This article discusses steps to Zoom in/out using keyboard shortcuts, trackpad, and ChromeOS built-in magnifier.

Also read: How to record the screen on a Chromebook?

Zoom in/out using Keyboard Shortcuts

There are keyboard shortcuts to zoom in/out of a page you are at, and there are shortcuts to zoom in/out everything on your Chromebook’s screen.

Keyboard shortcuts to zoom in/out of a page

You can adjust the size of the page you’re viewing, making it either larger or smaller. However, the rest of your screen will remain unchanged in size.

To zoom in on a page

Press the Ctrl and + (Plus) keys to zoom in on a page.

To zoom out on a page

Press the Ctrl and – (Minus) keys together to zoom out on a page.

To reset the page to normal

Press the Ctrl + 0 (Zero) keys together to reset the page.

Also read: Why is Chromebook asking for an old password? 

Keyboard shortcuts to zoom in/out everything on the screen

You can modify your screen resolution by modifying the size of everything on your screen, including your row of apps and tabs.

To zoom in on everything on the screen/ decrease resolution

Press the Ctrl + Shift and + (Plus) keys together to zoom in on everything on the screen or decrease resolution.

To zoom out everything on the screen/ increase the resolution

Press the Ctrl + Shift and – (Minus) keys together to zoom out everything on the screen or increase resolution.

To reset the resolution

Press the Ctrl + Shift + 0 (Zero) keys to restore the screen to normal and reset the resolution.

Zoom in/out on a Chromebook using the Trackpad

You can zoom in on your Chromebook using the trackpad. Just place two fingers on the trackpad and move them apart slowly. This will zoom in right away. The trackpad trick for zooming is much like how you do it on Windows, and it’s easy to use.

Similarly, you can zoom out on your Chromebook screen using the trackpad. If you want to zoom out on a webpage, image, or PDF file, just put two fingers on the trackpad and pinch them together.

Also read: What is “”? 

Zoom in/out through the Chrome browser menu

Besides using keyboard shortcuts and trackpad gestures, you can zoom out directly on a Chromebook from the Chrome browser’s menu. Here’s how to do it:

Step: Click on the Menu (Triple vertical dots) icon, and then in the menu beside Zoom, click on + (Plus) to zoom in and click on – (Minus) to zoom out.

Use the Chromebook Magnifier

Use a built-in magnifier to zoom in/out on your Chromebook screen.

Magnify the whole screen

Press Ctrl + Search + M keys together to magnify the whole screen.

Magnify a part of the screen

To magnify a part of the screen, press Ctrl + Search + D keys together.

Change the Magnification level

Press Ctrl + Alt + Brightness up keys together to increase the magnification level.

Press Ctrl + Alt + Brightness down keys together to decrease the magnification level.

Also read: Where is the delete key on Chromebook?

Akash Singh

Akash Singh

Akash is a law graduate who likes to go for bike rides on the weekends soul-searching for answers to his many existential questions. You can contact him here:
