The advancement in software development technology and storage hardware has increased the number of apps we have on our computers. Still, most often then not systems are cluttered with applications users don’t use and are just hogging system storage.
Most people use the control panel to uninstall programs, but windows offer several other ways to uninstall programs. One of those tools is the Windows Management Instrumentation Command line (WMIC) which can be used in conjunction with the command prompt for uninstalling programs.
Although the Windows Management Instrumentation Command line (WMIC) tool is very powerful, it can only be used to uninstall apps which use the windows installer and the MSI database for the installation process. Programs installed using executable files which do not use the windows installer cannot be uninstalled using this method.
If you are looking to uninstall apps without using the control panel, you can follow the steps given below and make things happen with a few lines of code on the command line.
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Uninstalling programs using the command line
Although several people are sceptical of using the command prompt the Windows Management Instrumentation Command line (WMIC) tool makes things really easy for uninstalling apps on your system. To uninstall the programs on your system you can follow the steps given below
Step 1: Open the command line on your system and run it as administrator

Step 2: Type wmic in the command prompt and press Enter to start the Windows Management Instrumentation Command line tool.

Step 3: Enter the command product get name to get a list of applications which can be uninstalled using the WMIC tool

Step 4: Use the command product where name=”program name” call uninstall to select a particular application and uninstall it.

Step 5: Press Y if you want to uninstall the program or N if you don’t want to go through with the process.

Also read: How to open the Command Prompt in Windows 7?