Although rivalled by Facebook-owned Whatsapp, which boasts billion-plus users globally, Telegram has successfully carved a niche in the industry with over 400 million active monthly users. This success is mainly owed to the large number of people who can engage in channels and groups on the instant messaging and VoIP service. In addition, the variety of bots available on Telegram to automate things or access non-native features also makes the app stand out from its competition.
If you’ve recently joined Telegram and are enjoying the features but — similar to other messaging apps and social networks — are facing trolls, spammers and abusive people but aren’t sure if blocking them is the answer, here we discuss what happens when you block someone on Telegram.
Telegram not only allows you to block other users but also bots that might be spamming your inbox — so any unsolicited conversations can be stopped on the platform. Here are the most frequently asked questions and the simplest answers to them to help you understand what will happen if you block someone on Telegram.
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Can a blocked user contact you?
Once you’ve blocked a user on Telegram, they won’t be able to contact you. Any messages they send, including media files or links, won’t be delivered to you.
Is a user notified when they’re blocked?
No, if you block someone, they won’t receive any notification from Telegram about the same.
Can the blocked user see your last seen?
No, a blocked user won’t see your updated last seen. Telegram only shows them a Last seen a long time ago tag — usually displayed when you haven’t been active for more than a month — irrelative of whether you are currently active or recently were. Blocked users also won’t see the Online status when you’re active in chats.
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Can you block Telegram bots?
Yes, as mentioned above, just like you block human Telegram users. You can even tap on the Stop Bot option if it appears at the bottom of the bot’s profile.
Does Telegram take third-party takedown requests?
According to Telegram, they don’t support “politically motivated censorship”. So, any government requests to take down content such as a discussion critical of them isn’t accepted — on paper.
Any user-uploaded stickers, channels and bots by third-party developers are subject to scrutiny if a legitimate complaint is received on and
Also read: What is a secret chat in Telegram? How to start a secret chat?