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Top 5 websites to identify songs

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It is frustrating when we are listening to a song and don’t know the name of it. To rescue your mind from such situations, there are various apps that can help you identify the name of the song. We already know about a few of these apps including Shazam and its alternatives.

Here, we present you with a list of 5 websites, where you can search for the songs that you like but aren’t sure about the name.

ACR Cloud

What song is this? Top 5 websites to identify songsACR Cloud provides you with an easy way to search your songs. In this website, you can upload the music files in any audio format or can do the online recording of the song.

You can upload a maximum of 10 songs and recordings per day on this website. Along with that, you can also download the Chrome extension of the website.

To visit ACR Cloud, click here.

Also read: Spotify vs Amazon Music vs YouTube Music


What song is this? Top 5 websites to identify songs

The website is inspired by Wikipedia, meaning the song entries can be edited by anybody. Musipidea uses Melodyound melody search engine which allows you to search songs even if you know only the melody of the song. Along with that, you can search the song by melodic contour or just by rhythm.

You can visit Musioidea by clicking here.


What song is this? Top 5 websites to identify songsMidomi is one of the most popular tools to search songs online as not only does it identify songs if you play it to the website, but can also identify them if you sing or hum it. Users can listen to other user’s songs on the website as well as buy the official tracks from among two million available on Midomi.

To visit Midomi, click here.

Also read: Top 5 free music streaming apps for Android


What song is this? Top 5 websites to identify songsMusixmatch has over 50 million active users with over 14 million lyrics and 58 supported languages, which includes Hindi and English. It boasts of licensing agreements with the likes of Sony, Warner, Universal, BMG, Walt Disney, among other prominent names.

All you need to do is write a few words or phrase from the lyrics of the song you remember and Musixmatch will try searching for the song from its database.

To visit Musixmatch, click here.


What song is this? Top 5 websites to identify songsWhatSong is a little different from the rest of the tools on this list. This doesn’t really let you play, record, or hum a song to identify it. Rather, the website holds a library of songs that are played in hundreds of thousands of movies and tv shows. So, if you’re ever looking for songs from a particular movie or TV show, you know WhatSong is the place you should be searching.

To visit WhatSong, click here.

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Kumar Hemant

Kumar Hemant

Deputy Editor at Candid.Technology. Hemant writes at the intersection of tech and culture and has a keen interest in science, social issues and international relations. You can contact him here:
