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Youtube doesn’t show the upload date: Quick Fix

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  • 3 min read

YouTube is one of the world’s most popular video streaming platforms. The site has everything from gaming streams to popular cooking shows, movies, TV shows and everything in between.

That said, YouTube isn’t perfect and just like everything else tech, it also suffers from occasional bugs and glitches from time to time. In this article, we’re taking a look at the upload date not showing up on some YouTube videos and what you can do to fix the issue.

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Zoom out the page

This might sound wierd but it’s the fix YouTube suggested as they were made aware of this bug before they could completely fix the problem. If you’re zoomed in, there’s a chance that the web player might hide the upload date. All you have to do is use the Ctrl and +/- keys to change the zoom level until you can see the date. 

Alternatively, you can also try resizing the browser window you’re running YouTube in as that tends to have the same effect. 

Delete browser data

Another thing you can do is delete all your browser data to see if that solves your problem. 

Step 1: Type in chrome://settings/clearBrowserData in your browser’s address bar and hit Enter.

How to fix 'YouTube not working' issue? | Candid.Technology

Step 2: Select the cache and cookies options and ensure the Time range is set to All time. Click on the Clear now button to clear out all the data. 

How to fix 'YouTube not working' issue? | Candid.Technology

Restart the browser and try visiting YouTube again. The site should work just fine. 

Use a third-party tool

Although we don’t quite recommend this, if nothing else works, you can use any of the several third-party tools available on the internet to check the exact upload date and time of a particular video. 

You can try out either the YouTube Upload Time browser extension for Chrome or Chromium-based browsers like Edge or the YouTube Metadata online tool to fetch all relevant information about a YouTube video using just a link to the video itself. 

Also read: Why does YouTube keep pausing?

Yadullah Abidi

Yadullah Abidi

Yadullah is a Computer Science graduate who writes/edits/shoots/codes all things cybersecurity, gaming, and tech hardware. When he's not, he streams himself racing virtual cars. He's been writing and reporting on tech and cybersecurity with websites like Candid.Technology and MakeUseOf since 2018. You can contact him here:
