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How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

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Being the default driver on more than 75 percent desktop machines, Windows is the most popular operating system in the market. Powered by an intuitive operating system, Windows makes any task child’s play. That said, the popularity of this operating system has made it one of the most attached operating system. In fact, 83 percent of the malware is designed to attack the Windows operating system.

Looking at the statistics listed above, one can say that any Windows user should take all the precautionary measures to protect their systems and keeping your systems up to date is one of the best ways to keep your systems secure. Although Windows keeps checking for updates in the background to protect your system from threats, you can check for updates manually as well.

Now there several methods using which you can update Windows 10. These include via the Settings, Command Prompt or Powershell. So if you don’t want to wait for your next Windows update you can follow the steps given below.

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How to update Windows from Command line?

Windows also allows its users to update their systems using its legacy command line. To update your system using the command line follow these steps

Step 1: Click on Start and search for Cmd and then click on Run as Administrator

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 2: Type the command usoclient StartScan so that Windows can look for Updates

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 3: Use the command usoclient StartDownload to start the downloads

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 4: Type usoclient StartInstall to Install the updates on your system

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

The method mentioned above is for Windows 10 and to update Windows 7 or lower open the command line as administrator and enter the command wuauclt /detectnow /updatenow

Also read: How to pause Windows 10 update?

How to update Windows using Powershell?

If you are a Windows power user and find yourself using the Windows Powershell often, you can use a module to check for Windows updates. To do the same follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Click on Start and search for Powershell and then click on Run as Administrator

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 2: Install the Windows update module using the command Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 3: Use the command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy bypass to enable running scripts on Windows Powershell and then press Y

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 6: Use the command get-WindowsUpdate to look for updates

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 7: Type the command Install-WindowsUpdate to Install the updates on your system and press Y

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

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How to update Windows through Settings?

Using Windows settings to update your system is by far the easiest way to update your system. To look for updates using Windows settings you can follow the steps given below

Step 1: Click on Start and then click on Settings on your Windows machine

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 2: Click on Update & Security in the window that opens up

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 3: Click on Check for updates

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 4: Click on Download

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

Step 5: Click on Restart now to install the latest version Windows on your system

How to update Windows 10 from Command Line and Powershell?

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Nischay Khanna

Nischay Khanna

A tech enthusiast, driven by curiosity. A bibliophile who loves to travel. An Engineering graduate who loves to code and write about new technologies. Can't sustain without coffee. You can contact Nischay via email:
