League of Legends has scores of champions, and as you gain more experience in the game, you’ll need to buy more champions and to do that, you’ll require blue essence as well as the champion’s shard.
Blue essence, formerly called IP, allows League of Legends summoners to buy champions, rune pages or change their name in LOL, among some other things.
In this article, we discuss how you can get blue essence in League of Legends without spending any money.
4 ways to get Blue Essence in LOL
There are four ways to get blue essence in League of Legends.
Disenchanting champion shard to get Blue Essence
If you want more blue essence, you can also disenchant a champion shard. Champion shards are usually used to buy a champion or level the champion to Level 6 or Level 7. Still, if you don’t need a champion shard maybe because your champion’s level is maxed out or you won’t play with that champion, then you can also disenchant its shard to get blue essence. Shards of new champions will fetch your more blue essence than shards of old champions.
Login to the game client and follow the steps mentioned below to disenchant a champion shard to get blue essence in LOL.
Step 1: Go to the Loot page on the LOL client by clicking on the Loot icon. Scroll down, and you’ll see a list of all the unused champion shards you’ve accumulated on the left sidebar under the heading Champions. Click on the champion shard that you want to exchange for blue essence and then click on Disenchant into Essence option from the list. Step 2: Then confirm the exchange by clicking on the Disenchant button.
Note that the blue essence that you’ll get in exchange for the champion shard is mentioned in both the steps above.Also read: What is Lethality and Adaptive Force in League of Legends?
Exchanging event tokens for Blue Essence
Now and then Riot comes up with new missions that get you tokens (Galaxies tokens are up these days). While these tokens can be used to get a lot of other exclusive stuff like emotes, borders, champion chromas and skins pertaining to that event; if you like you can also exchange these tokens for blue essence.
Login to the game client and follow the steps mentioned below to exchange your event tokens to get blue essence.
Step 1: Go to the Loot page on the LOL client by clicking on the Loot icon. Then look for the token under Materials heading. Click on the token and the shop would open at the right side of the client. Scroll down to the bottom, and you’ll find two options — exchange 10 tokens for 100 blue essence or a single token for 10 blue essence. Step 2: Click on either and then click on the Forge button to get blue essence in exchange for the token. Also read: How to emote in LOL (League of Legends)?
As you keep playing the game, you acquire XP that basically helps you level-up in the game. Every time your level goes up in LOL, you receive a Champion Capsule, which not only consists champion shard but also up to 270 blue essence at times.
To see if you got blue essence in the champion capsule, follow the steps mentioned below.
Step 1: Go to the Loot page on the LOL client by clicking on the Loot icon. Then look for the champion capsule under Materials heading. Click on the capsule, and it’ll appear on the right side of the client. Then click on the Open button below the capsule. Step 2: After the capsule is opened, you’ll find a few champion shards inside, and if you’re lucky, the last item in the capsule will be the blue essence (270 in this case; refer to the screenshot below). Click on the Add to Loot button. Also read: How to watch League of Legends (LOL) replays?
First win of the day
The first match you win 24 hours after the last first win of the day also gets you 50 blue essence and 400XP, which will further contribute towards you levelling up and getting more blue essence via champion capsule.
You can check whether the first win of the day is available by clicking on the scroll icon at the bottom of the chat window to the right of the client and see if the first win of the day is available (refer to the screenshot below). Also read: How to chat in League of Legends (LOL)?