Google Pay has become one of the fastest ways to process digital payments while shopping online or in the market. Most big and small vendors accept digital payments due to their contactless feature and also because it is easier as it skips the hassle of finding the exact change.
Google Pay works in association with banks that support BHIM UPI. It is advisable to frequently change your UPI PIN to avoid any fraudulent bank account activities.
However, UPI payments and banks, in general, tend to have certain limits imposed on regarding the amount of money you can send or receive. In this article, we’re going to talk about transaction limits on Google Pay.
Also read: How to add a bank account in Google Pay?
How much money can you send on Google Pay?
There are certain limits that Google, Google Pay and your bank imposes on your transactions on a per-day basis.
Google Pay limits
Google Pay imposes the following limits on how much money you can send in a day.
- You can’t send more than ₹1,00,000 in one day across all your UPI apps combined.
- You can’t send money more than 10 times a day.
If you’re running into errors saying you’ve reached your daily transaction limit, it is probably because you’ve met either of the above limits. Try again 24 hours after your initial transaction.
Bank limits
Depending upon your account status and several other factors (including but not limited to other limits set on your bank account and your credit score) your bank might also impose some limitations on your UPI transactions on a daily or even a monthly basis,
If you’ve run into an error saying you’ve surpassed your transaction limit and you haven’t actually met the aforementioned limits, try checking with your bank whether they’ve imposed any limits on your account.
Other limits
To avoid any frauds and to protect against any other possible threats, certain transactions might be flagged for later review. Again, if you’re having trouble completing a transaction and you haven’t met the limits mentioned above, try contacting your bank to get more information on the issue.
Alternatively, if you think the issue is on the App’s side, you can also contact Google Pay support for more information.
You can contact Google Pay support here
Also read: How to change and reset the UPI PIN in Google Pay?