The idea behind a PowerPoint presentation is to communicate information more efficiently and make it engaging with the help of charts, images or tables and present the same through a series of slides. Along with regular text, your slides can contain numerous types of content such as drawings, links, word art, videos, audio and even embedded add-ins from Microsoft.
As intriguing as it looks, making those presentations requires a set of experience and knowledge about the tool. And even experts add or delete these slides many times while making the final draw.
If you are new to the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation tools and maybe your presentation is going on a bit too long, you need to cut content. Regardless of the reason, the tool makes it pretty easy to remove or add a new slide between the presentation.
And if you are looking to delete or add a slide in your presentation, then here is how you do so.
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How to Delete a slide in Powerpoint?
Step 1: Open your PowerPoint presentation.

Step 2: Go to the slide you wish to delete and right-click on that slide; from the drop-down list, tap on the Delete Slide button.

This will remove your slide from the presentation, if you want to retrieve it back, press the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut, and the slide will be recovered.
Shortcut to Delete a slide in PowerPoint
This is a very straightforward method, and if you don’t want to use the mouse every time you wish to delete a slide, you will definitely like this Keyboard shortcut.
All you have to do is go to the slide on the thumbnail pane on the left you wish to delete and press the Delete button of the Keyboard.

Also read: How to change slide size in Microsoft Powerpoint?
How to Delete multiple slides in Powerpoint?
Even better, PowerPoint will allow you to delete multiple slides at once — in case you need to delete a whole section or trim a few extras here and there.
So if you are looking to delete a section of simultaneously filed slides, then deleting them one by one is time-consuming. In such a case, all you need to do is hold Shift and select the first and last slides in the section. This way, all the slides in between will be selected. Now release the Shift key and go to any of the slides and delete them the same way you did above.
To delete multiple slides that aren’t filed together in the section. This time you need to hold down the Ctrl key and click on each slide you want to delete individually. Once selected, right-click any of them and choose the Delete option.
To make things even more, simpler instead of taping the right-click to open a context menu, press the Delete button of the Keyboard after selecting the slides to delete.
Also read: How to embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint?
Bonus: How to add a slide in PowerPoint?
Step 1: Open your PowerPoint presentation.

Step 2: Go to the slide you wish to add a new slide after. Then right-click on that slide and, from the drop-down list, tap on the New slide button.

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Shortcut to Add a new slide in PowerPoint
Method 1
When you open your PowerPoint presentation and go to the slide in the thumbnail pane on the left side, after which a new slide is to be inserted, press the New slide button on the toolbar at the top.

After adding a new slide, if you wish to give it a specific layout, then click on the Layout button on the toolbar at the top and choose the desired design from the list.

Method 2
This alternative is more convenient and quick; all you have to do is press a Keyboard shortcut on the slide you wish to add a new slide after, and you are good to go.
To add a New slide, press the Ctrl+M key or Enter key on the slide you want your new slide to follow.